What is the meaning of gender analysis?
Gender analysis refers to the variety of methods used to understand the relationships between men and women, their access to resources, their activities, and the constraints they face relative to each other. Gender analysis is an essential element of socio-economic analysis.
What should be included in a gender analysis?
A gender analysis includes information on women, men, girls and boys in terms of their division of labour, roles and responsibilities, access to, and control over, resources, and their relative condition and position in society.
What are gender analysis tools?
The Gender Analysis Tool, produced by Global Affairs Candada (Formerly Canadian International Development Agency. CIDA), can be used for examining the differences between the roles that women and men play and for better understanding how these differences impact on their lives in different circumstances.
What is gender daily routine?
Gender Daily CalendarGender daily calendar illustrates all the activities of men, women, boys and girls in a 24-hourperiod. It is useful in appreciation of the daily workload for different gender groups. It helps todetermine whom and when to target different groups for training or with intervention.
What is Gender Analysis Matrix?
The Gender Analysis Matrix is an analytical tool that uses participatory methodology to facilitate the definition and analysis of gender issues by the communities that are affected by them. Gender analysis cannot be transformative unless the analysis is done by the people being analyzed.
What is meant by gender mainstreaming?
Gender mainstreaming is a strategy to improve the quality of public policies, programmes and projects, ensuring a more efficient allocation of resources. Better results mean increased well-being for both women and men, and the creation of a more socially just and sustainable society.
What is GAD plan and budget?
The COA GAD Plan and Budget is a two-year Plan which aims to put into place effective mechanisms and measures for gender mainstreaming throughout COA. It spells out the issues and concerns on gender, establishes strategies and instruments with reachable targets for the Focal Point.
What do you mean by gender sensitivity?
Gender sensitivity is the process by which people are made aware of how gender plays a role in life through their treatment of others. Gender sensitivity trainings are used to educate people, usually employees, to become more aware of and sensitive to gender in their lives or workplaces.