
How do you answer what do you like about me?

How do you answer what do you like about me?

How to answer ‘what do you like about me? ‘ question

  1. Say something about your partner’s personality.
  2. Say something about his or her intelligence.
  3. Talk about how your lover makes you feel.
  4. Learn to say how it is without exaggerating.
  5. You should compliment before you are asked to do so.

What do you like about her?

120 Reasons Why I Love You:

  • I love the way you look at me.
  • You make me feel like I’m the only person in the world.
  • With you I can be myself.
  • I love you because we are family and friends at the same time.
  • When we’re together, all my problems disappear.
  • You make my heart smile.
  • You know me better than I know myself..

What to say if a girl ask why you like her?

Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, “Why do you love me?”

  • “I love you because you are you.
  • “You are like sunshine itself, and I feel better when I’m with you.”
  • “I love how I feel when I’m with you.”
  • “You accept me for me.
  • “You make me feel more alive than anyone ever has.”

When a girl ask why you like her?

‘ (26306 Views) “Why Didn’t You Touch Me”-Girl Asks Boy Who Helped Her After Their Meeting. Be playful with her about it like that. 5. If your crush asks if you like her, you might be feeling nervous, but it’s best to just come out and say it and be honest about your feelings.

Why do you love her best answer?

I love you because the Universe showed me the way to you. I love you because my heart beats your name, my mind drowns in your eyes, my soul feels yours even when we are miles apart. I love you because I have no choice; I didn’t ask to love you. I didn’t need to love you, but I love you just the same.

When a girl asks what do you expect from me?

The question ‘What do you expect from me’ gives me the feeling that the girls is very careful of committing to anything. She wants to put boundaries so she feels comfortable, not pushed. When the girl stops chocked at your expectations, you make her understand you were only joking! She would be greatly relieved!

When a girl ask how do I look?

First, you know, actually look at her, at least for a second or two. Then tell her that she is lovely, as always, of course. Because a woman always wants to know that you find her attractive. That said, we ask you how we look because we may or may not be happy with something about our appearance at that moment.

What to say when a girl asks how was your day?

But asking “How is your day” is akin to “How are you?” —it means “Hi”. She doesn’t want you to open your diary and run through your every activity; nor hear about your emotional ups and downs. You say “Great!” if it has been ok, and you say “I’ve had better!” if your day has sucked immensely.

What to say when she asks what do you see in me?

Tell her why that grew into something more and why you still enjoy being with her and why you want to continue being with her. Tell her how she makes you feel. Do certain things she does make you feel happy?

How do you answer what kind of girl do you like?

Interested/indirect: Vaguely describe physical/personality traits of the girl asking. Platonic relationship: Just tell the truth. Politician: “I don’t really have a type.” Not interested/harsh but fair: Describe your type honestly, even though she doesn’t fit it.

What can you like in a girl?

16 Things Men Like in Women More Than Good Looks

  • Kindness.
  • Big hips.
  • Being real and natural.
  • Their care.
  • Long messy hair.
  • Playfulness. Sometimes it’s very important to stop being serious and just relax.
  • Cooking skills. That’s one of the best ways to win a man’s heart!
  • Smile. It not only makes any woman more attractive but also makes men feel better about themselves.

What to ask a girl you like?

15 Questions to Ask a Girl to Get to Know Her

  • Where did you grow up?
  • What did you study in college and why?
  • What’s your favorite place to run away to?
  • What do you do to cheer yourself up?
  • How do you like to receive love?
  • Who knows you best?
  • What are you most attracted to in a guy?
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