
How does Starks describe the mule in his eulogy?

How does Starks describe the mule in his eulogy?

Starks actually stands on the belly of the mule as he gives a mocking eulogy about how much the mule would be missed, what a distinguished citizen he was, and how important he was to the community.

How did the mule die in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Joe has done an act of unselfishness for Janie. The mule finally dies of old age, and the townspeople stage an elaborate mock funeral service before they leave the carcass to buzzards. Joe joins in the hilarious parody, but Janie does what Joe tells her to do: She stays in the store.

What does the mule represent in the Bible?

Since a mule is crossbred between a mare and a male donkey, and since crossbreeding was prohibited in Israel (Lev 19:19), mules were likely imported (TWOT), and were thus more valued. They (along with horses, silver, and gold, etc.) symbolized the wealth that other kings brought to Solomon annually (1Ki 10:25).

What is the moral of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Love and Relationships versus Independence Their Eyes Were Watching God is the story of how Janie achieves a strong sense of self and comes to appreciate her independence. Through her relationship with Tea Cake, Janie experiences true fulfillment and enlightenment and becomes secure in her independence.

What does Janie realize about her grandmother after Jody’s death?

What does Janie realize about her grandmother after Jody’s death? That she taught Janie to prize superficial things. You just studied 5 terms!

What does Janie tell Joe before he dies?

What did Janie tell Joe just before he died? She told him he really didn’t know her, that she had a lot of sympathy but he would never let her use it.

Does Janie kill Jody?

Janie killed Jody mentally. He couldn’t handle the truth that she was telling him about himself. Jody tried to make Janie stop but she kept going. He was overwhelmed what was being said but he was already struggling with death.

Why are the townspeople mad that Janie is seeing tea cake?

The townspeople were very critical of her choice to see Teacake. They assume that Janie has come home because Teacake has betrayed her. They see this as suitable punishment for her unwillingness to follow the social rules. That conflict is central to the book.

Why does tea cake bring a comb to Janie’s?

Why is he combing her hair? With the end of Jody’s oppression, Janie is now growing and maturing as Tea Cake allows her to advance within herself by having a man without the oppression that comes with him. After the death of Jody, Janie’s oppression was over as she was able to make her own decisions.

Do you trust tea cake does the town Why or why not?

Considering Janie’s past encounters with men, it is natural to not trust Tea Cake. The town doesn’t trust Tea Cake at all either. The town believes that Tea Cake is trying to take advantage of Janie because she is an older woman with money. They believe that he is only interested in inheritance.

What does tea cake take from Janie after they had been married a week?

Tea-cake met her at the train and took her to the preachers house, where they got married. What did Janie discover one morning about a week after she was married? She woke up and discovered that tea-cake had taken her $200 and left their room before she woke up.

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