
Who Said Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Who Said Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Zora Neale Hurston

How is the mule a metaphor for Joe and Janie?

The Mule symbolizes Janie’s life with Logan Killicks and then her life with Joe Starks. SHe’s worked like a mule in both their lives. The symbolic meaning of this quote is to the first time Janie met Joe Starks he set her free from her house work and gave her the horizon she was looking for.

Who was the Yellow Mule what deeper meaning does the yellow mule symbolize?

The abused yellow mule symbolizes mistreatment and suppression that Janie and women like her face. The mule is constantly mocked and seen as a lowly creature. Similarly, on the hierarchy of society, Janie and her fellow black women are depicted on the lowest rungs of society.

Who is Janie’s true love?

Following Joe’s death, Janie meets the man who represents the true love of her life, Tea Cake Woods. He arrives in Eatonville as a fun-loving man who quickly falls for Janie’s beauty and charm. Although Janie fears that she is too old for Tea Cake, she cannot help but fall in love with this man.

What are the major themes in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes

  • Gender Roles and Relations.
  • Voice, Language and Storytelling.
  • Desire, Love, and Independence.
  • Power, Judgment, and Jealousy.
  • Race and Racism.

Is Janie mixed?

A woman of mixed white and black heritage, Janie’s birth was the result of a poor black schoolgirl being raped by an unnamed white schoolteacher. But Janie’s is not a case of “first comes love and then comes marriage.” Instead, she has to marry (twice) before she finds her Mr.

How did Joe meet Janie?

Joe Starks walks into Janie’s life at an opportune time. She is regretting her marriage to Logan Killicks and hankering to explore the world outside her gate. Janie is immediately attracted to Joe and makes a show of pumping water to offer him a cool drink. Soon, Janie runs away with him, and they head to Eatonville.

Does Logan threaten to kill Janie?

Janie eventually runs away from Logan, after he threatens to kill her, and marries Joe Starks. Nanny – Nanny is Janie’s grandmother and also her motherly figure, and she represents a secondary antagonist to Janie.

What is that Janie doesn’t like about Logan?

What is one reason Janie doesn’t like Logan Killicks? He won’t wash his feet before bed. He lives too far away from Nanny. He is too nice to Janie.

Why is Janie called alphabet?

Janie explains how she grew up with her grandmother, Nanny, in the backyard of the Washburns, who are white. Nanny is a housekeeper of sorts. Janie, when living with the Washburn family, is referred to as Alphabet, because so many people have called her different names.

What is the relationship between Janie and Pheoby?

Pheoby Watson is Janie’s best friend and confidante. She sits on the porch of the store or her own home and listens to the gossipy busybodies meddling in Janie’s life. They talk, both the men and the women, and Pheoby has many ways of suggesting that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

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