
What to talk about while dancing?

What to talk about while dancing?

Talk about how she looks, how she smells, how she dances, how you feel being with her, how good she feels in your arms, etc. Women love to hear nice things especially when spoken in their ears. Sometimes they will respond by saying nice things back to you. If she does, that is a good sign.

What are some dance terms?

Dance terms

adagio (at) slow music
spin fast rotation, trun, revolving
spiral (turn) forward turning with the free foot. The released foot revolves around the standing leg
spot turn turn on the spot, one partner moves forward, the other backward
spot turn a turn with three steps forward

What is dance Stylisation?

It is CLASSICAL ballet technique, representing a particular dance style or theme, which can be danced with props, but without specific story telling. So if you were to dance a ballet solo with a tambourine in the style of a Tarantella, but not using authentic Tarantella choreography, that would be stylised ballet.

What is flow in dance?

What is Flow in Dance? Flow in dance is how smoothly you transition from one movement to another throughout your routine. This word is often interchanged with a variety of other words; some of the more common ones are elegance, grace, or fluidity.

What is a dynamic in dance?

Dynamic (s): when used as a dance term it expresses the way in which shape of movement is executed (see effort qualities too). The combination of these 8 possible ways of executing any movement would create the variations in its dynamic.

How would you describe transferring weight?

Weight transfer happens when a car’s weight moves around its roll centre when braking, turning or accelerating. When the car moves in one of these directions, the car’s weight moves in the opposite direction and compresses the suspension in this area.

What does it mean to shift your weight?

To shift your weight means to put more pressure on one leg than the other one in most cases. It could also mean changing position while seated to favour one side more than the other.

What are the four reasons for weight transfer in the vehicle?

There are four things that determine the amount of weight transfer, hence the amount of weight pushing down on the contact patch.

  • Common sense says that the vehicle weight is a big factor.
  • The force acting on the car.
  • Height of the center of gravity.
  • Track width and wheel base.

Where does the weight shift when accelerating?

So what we see is that, during acceleration, weight shifts from the front onto the rear tyres. During braking, the weight shifts from the rear onto the front tyres. During cornering, the weight shifts from the inside tyres to the outside tyres.

What is the weight that transfers between the front and back of vehicle called?

In the driving world, body roll refers to the weight transfer that occurs as a vehicle turns.

What are the three fields of vision?

Our central vision covers about three degrees of our visual field and peripheral vision, or side vision, covers the rest. The three degrees of central vision is a very small area in your total field of vision.

What steering method is used to maintain balance?

One-hand steering technique is used when backing or operating vehicle controls such as lights, flashers, and wipers, which need you to reach out from the steering wheel. Placing one hand on the steering wheel can help you maintain vehicle balance and prevent steering reversals and potential injury due to a crash.

How far ahead should you look in your path?

In a suburban area, you should look at least three blocks or three traffic signals ahead. In a rural area, you should look at least a quarter of a mile ahead. When looking well ahead, look for vehicles coming onto the roadway, into your lane, or turning.

What are the 2 main things to look for ahead?

What are two main things to look for ahead? Look for traffic: Vehicles coming onto the highway, into our lane, or turning. Watch for break lights from slowing vehicles. Look for road conditions.

When you look far ahead as you drive you are what?

looking down at the area just in front of your vehicle. When you look far ahead as you drive, you are aiming high in steering.

Where do you look when driving straight?

“Looking up” on highways (On a straight road, you may be able to see up to 90 seconds ahead.) On a curve, look up across and around as far ahead as you can see. At first, you will likely have to concentrate to look this far ahead in curves. When curving right, look at the shoulder line to the point where it disappears.

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