
How do you know when to put a period?

How do you know when to put a period?


  1. Rule 1. Use a period at the end of a complete sentence that is a statement.
  2. Rule 2. If the last item in the sentence is an abbreviation that ends in a period, do not follow it with another period.
  3. Rule 3. Question marks and exclamation points replace and eliminate periods at the end of a sentence.

Why period is used in sentence?

A period is a small dot-shaped punctuation mark that is used at the end of any sentence that is intended to make a statement. As with other punctuation marks that end sentences, the period should be placed directly behind the last letter of the last word of the sentence.

What is period in punctuation?

A period (in America) is a full stop (.). It is a punctuation mark (.) at the end of a sentence. It shows that the sentence has finished. To be a sentence it must have at least one complete clause, with a verb and a subject.

What is the symbol of period?

Alternatively referred to as a full stop or dot, a period ( . ) is a punctuation mark commonly found on the same US QWERTY keyboard key as the greater than ( > )….

Do you put periods after initials?

A period ( . ) is a form of punctuation used to end a declarative sentence. Periods are frequently, but not always used, after initials and with two-letter abbreviations (U.S.). Periods should be placed inside closing quotation marks, except when followed by a parenthetical note.

What is the meaning of period at the end of sentence?

Period at the end of the sentence means, the things said in the sentence are definite and no change is allowed. For example, “I want the document without any errors, period” meaning that there should not be any errors in the document.

Can you end a question with a period?

In general, you should not use more than one ending punctuation mark (period, question mark, exclamation point) in a row. If you are quoting a question, it should end with a question mark, not a question mark and a period. If an abbreviation, like etc., ends a sentence, you should use only one period.

Does this sentence need a question mark?

Remember, a basic rule to follow when writing is if your sentence is asking a question, it must finish with a question mark. Failing to punctuate it properly will likely be noticed and cause confusion. Readers will almost always pick up on missing question marks, as written questions are often very distinct.

How do you ask an indirect question?

To make an indirect ‘yes / no’ question, we use ‘if’ and the word order of a normal positive sentence. This is the same as for reported ‘yes / no’ questions. On the other hand, we don’t usually need to ‘backshift’ (change the tense of the verb) as we do with reported questions.

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