
What is a great classmate?

What is a great classmate?

A good classmate is someone you can trust. He/she will communicate with you whenever there is a problem and never leave you in the dark. A good classmate is responsible when you assign him/her with a task. A good friend never leaves your side during challenging situations and tries his/her best to help and support you.

What are the positive characteristics that your classmates find in?


  • Smart.
  • Creative.
  • Kind.
  • Humble.
  • Helpful.

What is your classmate?

classmate Add to list Share. Your classmate is someone who goes to school with you. It’s hard to believe when you first start college that some of your classmates will become your very best friends. Your school friends are your classmates, and so are the fellow students you barely know at all.

What’s another word for classmates?

What is another word for classmate?

friend companion
cohort colleague
compatriot contact
gabba roommate
offsider compeer

How do you have a good relationship with classmates?

8 Tips for Making New Friends in Class

  1. Start by asking questions. If you’re not sure how to start up a conversation with a new person, begin by asking them a question.
  2. Be a good listener.
  3. Pay compliments.
  4. Share a little about yourself.
  5. Do kind things.
  6. Make them laugh.
  7. Get together outside of class time.
  8. Join an activity.

How would you develop a personal relationship with peers and classmates?

Develop your people skills. Identify your relationship needs. Schedule time to build relationships. Focus on your EI….How do you build positive relationships with peers?

  1. Getting a friend’s attention.
  2. Sharing objects.
  3. Asking peers to share objects.
  4. Providing a play idea to a peer.
  5. Saying something nice to a friend.

Who is a peer at work?

A peer, on the other hand, is someone who is at the same level as you in the organization chart. A coworker who often shares the same job responsibilities and more or less the same salary as you. Your peers can be of the same age group, come from similar educational backgrounds, and can be doing the same work as you.

What’s the difference between peers and colleagues?

Colleagues are the people you work with. Peers are people in the same group as you, who are at a similar level. For example, they could be the same age as you, do the same type of work as you, or have the same status as you. Peers are people of equal status or age.

What are the three types of peers?

The three most common types of peer review are single blind, double blind, and open peer review.

What does a life peer do?

A life peer is an honour given to individuals which cannot be inherited by the recipient’s children (in contrast to a hereditary peer). In the UK, life peerages are created under the Life Peerages Act 1958 and entitle holders to sit in the House of Lords under the style and dignity of Baron (male) or Baroness (female).

What are three examples of peer pressure?

Here are a few examples of positive peer pressure:

  • Pushing a friend to study harder so they can get better grades.
  • Getting an after-school job and convincing friends to get a job too.
  • Saving money for a big purchase like a car and encouraging friends to do the same.
  • Disapproving of bigoted jokes or gossiping.
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