What do the supporting ideas show?
SUPPORTING DETAILS • A paragraph contains facts, statements, examples-specifics which guide us to a full understanding of the main idea. They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea and are supporting details. 1. COMPARISONS in which one thing is shown to be like another.
What are the causes of sadness according to the poet?
The poet refers to the ‘sadness’ of failing to understand oneself in the monotonous existence of everyday life. He also finds it sad that humanity is moving towards its own ruins, owing to its unprecedented actions. He regrets that the rush to out-maneuver others has made one forget the values of humanity.
What does the poet mean by inactivity?
Total inactivity means death but the poet has no association with death. Stillness means stopping one’s activity for a short moment. Thus the poet involves the earth as a living symbol to prove his point. When everything seems dead, the earth proves to be alive.
What should not be compared with inactivity?
We should not confuse total inactivity with stillness. Total inactivity brings death while stillness entails rest for a moment so that we can have calm introspection. The poet wants no truck with death. Stillness will keep us start out activities again in a purposeful way.
What does total inactivity imply?
Total inactivity should not be confused with death. It means that people should stop their destruction and stop hurting anyone so that for one moment there is silence on earth.
What could be the ideal situation?
An ideal situation would be one in which human beings would be seen happily walking with others hence depicting a feeling of oneness, unity and brotherhood. There will be peace and universal livelihood.
How would we all be together in a sudden strangeness?
in a sudden strangeness. 1….
- When we will be silent and still, it would be an exotic moment.
- By keeping quiet and still, we all would be alike as if we are together.
- There will be peace when there is neither rush nor the working of engines and machines.
- All will feel and enjoy sudden strangeness and unusualness.
What according to him does inactivity lead to?
Answer: Pablo Neruda is against ‘total inactivity’ because that would amount to death and he has no association with death.