
What is the benefit of going to Ivy League school?

What is the benefit of going to Ivy League school?

An Ivy League education can give you a head start in highly competitive fields, such as finance, law, and business consulting. Top global companies understand that the Ivies house some of the best and brightest students, so more often than not they’ll cut out the middleman and hire directly from the source.

Is an Ivy League education worth the cost?

The Bottom Line Is an Ivy League education worth it? Our discounted cash flow model delivers a resounding no. According to this model, an individual is much better off value-wise to attend a public school as they can expect to receive a much higher return based on their invested tuition and fees.

Does Drexel need-blind?

Drexel is need-aware and does not meet full need of all students.

Does financial aid hurt your chances?

In most cases, submitting an application for financial aid will have absolutely no impact on your admission chances as the majority of colleges operate within a ‘need-blind’ agenda. This essentially means that financial need does not play any role in the admissions decisions for low-income applicants.

Is fafsa required every year?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form applies to a single academic year. That means you need to submit a FAFSA form each year—and make sure you meet the FAFSA deadlines for state and college aid to maximize the aid you could receive.

What do colleges look at for financial aid?

Your eligibility depends on your Expected Family Contribution, your year in school, your enrollment status, and the cost of attendance at the school you will be attending. The financial aid office at your college or career school will determine how much financial aid you are eligible to receive.

How much money can a student have before it impacts financial aid?

The student income allowance is $6,660 for 2019-2020. Plus, after that, only “50 percent of your non-work-study income will count against your eligibility to receive federal student funding.”

Do I have to tell fafsa how much money I have?

Student Applicant Status The FAFSA will require disclosure of financial information, including bank account balances, by the student applicant and also from the student’s parents if the student is classified as a dependent student.

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