
What arguments does Anne present in the essay a chatterbox?

What arguments does Anne present in the essay a chatterbox?

She gave two arguments to justify her being a Chatterbox in the essay one that chatting is students hobby and other reason that nothing can be done about the inherited traits . She carried these genes from her mother as she was also very talkative.

What do you think about Anne’s talent for writing essay?

Solution. I think Anne was extremely talented when it came to writing. Anne won over her math teacher with the help of her three essays. Keesing laugh instead of being angry and he assigned her a second essay on ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’.

What does Anne write in her essay?

Ques: What does Anne write in her first essay? Answer: In her first essay, titled ‘A Chatterbox’, Anne wanted to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. She argued that talking was a student’s trait and that she would do her best to keep it under control.

What did Anne write in her last essay?

Anne Frank wrote in her last essay in the form of beautiful poem. It was about a mother duck and father because they quacked too much. The poem written so Beautifully that Mr keesing give his own comments and read it to many classes.

Why did Anne think she was alone?

Anne had a loving family and several friends. However, she felt that she did not have that one true friend to whom she could tell everything. She wanted a close confidante with whom she could share her feelings.

Who would Anne allow to read her diary *?

Answer: Anne Frank decided that she will allow someone to read her diary only when she found a real friend…

How does Anne want to begin her diary?

Answer. Anne starts her diary by pointing out the point that motivated her to maintain a diary. So, she decides to make her diary as her best friend. She starts by giving a brief sketch of her life.

Why does Anne keep a diary MCQS?

Anne wanted to keep a diary because she did not have a “real” friend. She thought that paper had more patience than people. She had loving parents, a sixteen year old sister and about thirty people whom she could call her friends. However, she did not have that one true friend.

How does Anne explain her father?

Answer. Initially, the relationship between Otto Frank and his daughter Anne is a strong one. Anne is very much “daddy’s girl” and can do little wrong in his eyes. From her diary, the reader senses that Anne sees a kindred spirit in her father, someone who understands her in a way that no one else truly does.

What kind of a father did Anne have?

Otto Frank was Anne’s father. He had a remarkable presence of mind and fiercely protective instinct about his family. He was a reassuring and thoughtful figure in their lives. Anne portrayed her father affectionately in The Diary, referring to him as the ‘most adorable father’.

How did the Franks get caught?

On August 4, 1944, police in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam raided a warehouse and arrested eight Jews who were hiding in an annex disguised behind a bookcase. Among those captured was Anne Frank, a 15-year-old schoolgirl who had spent over two years living in the cramped safehouse with her parents and older sister.

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