
What is good about Apple company?

What is good about Apple company?

Apple offers a flawless customer experience for all the products it manufactures and has the highest end-to-end customer experience, from design to use. Apple products are easy to use and easy to use. Apple’s software is also very easy to use and manage all your accounts from all your Apple devices.

Who is the head of Apple company?

Tim Cook (Aug 24, 2011–)

Why do CEOs take $1 salary?

This reduction in pay is typically symbolic, used by CEOs to broadcast an alignment of interests with shareholders during a rough patch. It’s also hailed as an altruistic act — a sacrificial, praise-worthy gesture that other employees should emulate. Truth is, the $1 CEO salary often isn’t as selfless as it seems.

How do CEO make money?

CEOs often receive base salaries well over $1 million. In other words, the CEO is rewarded substantially when the company does well. However, the CEO is also rewarded when the company performs poorly. On their own, large base salaries offer little incentive for executives to work harder and make smart decisions.

Who is more rich SRK or Sundar Pichai?

Sundar Pichai’s networth is way more than SRK’s. Pichai is worth approximately 1.5 billion dollars and he made $470 million dollars last year. On the other hand, SRK makes about $40 million dollars every year and is worth approximately $800 million.

Is SRK richer than Ronaldo?

Ronaldo earns more than SRK annually despite Shahrukh’s income coming from two additional successful running sources i.e a high revenue production house and a very profitable cricket team. Matinee idol Shah Rukh Khan has emerged as the second richest actor!!!!

What is the rank of Sundar Pichai in richest person?

The co-founder of Google is now the eighth richest person with a net worth of $84.5 billion. In December 2019, Page stepped down as the CEO of Alphabet which is now headed by Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Who is the richest man in the India?

Mukesh Ambani

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