
What is the main difference between domestic system and factory system?

What is the main difference between domestic system and factory system?

The differences between the Domestic System and the Factory System is the Factory System replaced the Domestic System because the used hand tools or simple machinery to make goods in their own homes or in workshops attached to their homes, when the Factory System put workers in cities and towns and crammed them into …

When did the factory system replace the domestic system?

The system was generally superseded by employment in factories during the course of the Industrial Revolution but was retained in the 20th century in some industries, notably the watchmaking industry in Switzerland, toy manufacturing in Germany, and numerous industries in India and China.

What are two benefits of the factory system over the domestic system?

In conclusion, the factory system had more advantages compared to the domestic system. Work was faster, cheaper, more efficient and got paid more than farm workers. But equal amounts of disadvantages came along such as severe injuries, strict discipline, long tiring shifts and lesser freedom.

What were the problems with the domestic system?

However, the domestic system did have a number of major weaknesses in the growing industrial power that was the United Kingdom : the production was very slow and the finished product was simply not enough to, in the case of textiles, cloth the fast growing population of the United Kingdom .

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the domestic system?

There were advantages to the domestic system. For one, workplace conditions tended to be much better than those in factories. Furthermore, in the domestic system people could work at their own speed and did not have demanding targets or bosses, therefore allowing them to take breaks and rest when they needed to.

What are the main features of the domestic system?

The domestic system differed from the handicraft system of home production in that the workers neither bought materials nor sold products. It undermined the restrictive regulations of the urban guilds and brought the first widespread industrial employment of women and children.

What was the domestic system quizlet?

What was the Domestic System of production? The goods being produced in the home.

What do you mean by factory act?

The Factories Act, 1948 is a social legislation which has been enacted for occupational safety, health and welfare of workers at work places. The objective of the Act is to regulate the conditions of work in manufacturing establishments coming within the definition of the term ‘factory’ as used in the Act.

What are the features of Factories Act?

Salient features of the Act There must be restrooms, adequate lighting, ventilators, temperature to be provided. The workplace should be kept clean and hygiene. To ensure the safety of the workers, the factories should be fully fenced and children should not be allowed to work in hazardous and confined areas.

Who comes under Factories Act?

The Act is applicable to any factory using power & employing 10 or more workers and if not using power, employing 20 or more workers on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on, or whereon twenty or …

Who needs factory license?

As per factory act 1948, any factory needs to obtain a factory license if: 10 or more worker is involved in manufacturing activity with the aid of power on any day of the preceding 12 months or. 20 or more worker is involved in manufacturing activity without aid of power on any day of the preceding 12 months.

When was first Factory Act passed for India?


Who introduced the first Factory Act in India?

Lord Ripon’s

Who introduced first Factory Act?

Lord Ripon

When did the Factory Act start?


Why was the Ten Hours Act passed?

The Ten Hours Act was made to ensure that women and children only worked up to 10 hours a day in factories. This would now make their maximum schedule 10 hours of work on each weekday, Saturdays 8 hours, and off Sundays. In total, this limited the work time per week to 63 hours.

What was the 10 hour movement?

The Factory Act of 1847, also known as the Ten Hours Act was a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which restricted the working hours of women and young persons (13-18) in textile mills to 10 hours per day.

Why did the government passed the Factory Act?

The Factory Acts were passed to ensure the intention of safeguarding the health of workers and to regulate the safety, health and welfare of factory workers. Later, factory Acts were passed to regulate working hours, provide safe and hygiene working conditions etc.

Why do you think the employers were able to continue mistreating child employees even after the provisions in the 1833 Factory Act?

However, we can say that employers continued to mistreat working children even after the 1833 Factory Act because the government failed to propose strong supervision of factories to ensure that the law was being enforced.

Why do you think enforcement of safety laws is important in a factory?

Enforcement is even more important when the law seeks to protect the weak from the strong. By enforcing and upholding these laws, the government can control the activities of individuals or private companies so as to ensure social justice.

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