
What are the benefits of being an EU citizen?

What are the benefits of being an EU citizen?

12 benefits of EU citizenship

  • Benefit 1 – no need for visas.
  • Benefit 2 -full working & residential rights.
  • Benefit 3 – subsidised tertiary education & scholarships.
  • Benefit 4 – set up and grow your start-up or SME.
  • Benefit 5 – right to consular protection by EU member states.
  • Benefit 6 – access to national health care benefits.

How do you become a citizen of Europe?

Anyone is eligible for a European passport, provided that they pursue one of the following three options:

  1. Get European citizenship through your descent or ancestry.
  2. Get EU citizenship through naturalization.
  3. Apply for a European passport through a Citizenship by Investment Program.

How does EU citizenship work?

European Union citizens have the right to free movement, settlement and employment across the Union. Citizens have the right to vote in and run as a candidate in elections in the state where they live, while also voting for European elections and participating in a European Citizens’ Initiative.

What defines a European?

English Language Learners Definition of European : a person born, raised, or living in Europe also : a native or resident of the continent of Europe rather than Britain. : a person who is descended from Europeans. See the full definition for European in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What are 3 interesting facts about Europe?

Facts about Europe

  • Population: about 740 million.
  • Land Area: 9,908,600 square kilometres (or 3,825,730 square miles) – it’s about a third of the size of Africa.
  • Countries: 46 countries (of which 27 are members of the European Union or EU).
  • Highest Peak: Mount Elbrus in Russia stands at 5,643 metres above sea level.

What is the famous of Europe?

Home to numerous castles, palaces, cathedrals, vineyards and beaches, the country is also known for its influential art, architecture and culture. The Vatican Museums located in the heart of Rome are another attraction for many. Rome itself is the third most visited city in Europe, after Paris and London.

How did Europe get its name?

The name Europe comes from the Latin Europa, which in turn derives from the Greek Εὐρώπη, from εὐρύς eurys “wide” and ὤψ ops “face” (PIE *wer-, “broad” *okw-, “eye”). In Greek mythology, Europa was the beautiful daughter of a Phoenician king named Agenor or Phoenix.

What are the 5 main peninsulas in Europe?

4) Europe has five major peninsulas:

  • Scandinavian.
  • Jutland.
  • Iberian.
  • Italian.
  • Balkan.

How old is the word Europe?

The term “Europe” is first used for a cultural sphere in the Carolingian Renaissance of the 9th century. From that time, the term designated the sphere of influence of the Western Church, as opposed to both the Eastern Orthodox churches and to the Islamic world.

Who gave Europe the name it has today?

Europa is a figure from Greek mythology who later gave her name to the continent of Europe. In one popular version of her story Europa was a Phoenician princess who was abducted by Zeus and whisked off to Crete; King Minos, he of the labyrinth and Minotaur fame, would be one of the results of Zeus’ rape.

What is the oldest continent?


Who truly discovered America?


Who is the largest ethnic group in America?

As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 18% of the population. African Americans are the second largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 13.4% of the population.

Where do most American ancestors come from?

The majority of Americans or their ancestors immigrated to America or are descended from people who were brought as slaves within the past five centuries, with the exception of the Native American population and people from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippine Islands, who became American through expansion of …

What is the most common nationality in the world?

The world’s largest ethnic group is Han Chinese, with Mandarin being the world’s most spoken language in terms of native speakers. The world’s population is predominantly urban and suburban, and there has been significant migration toward cities and urban centres.

What is the most common nationality in America?

White is the most common race in the United States.

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