What is the conflict in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?
The central conflict of this story is Kit’s conflict against herself. She is the protagonist of the story, so it is her tale. Her problem is that she doesn’t know how to fit into her new society. She is uncomfortable, lonely, and confused.
What is the rising action of the Witch of Blackbird Pond?
Rising Action As Kit strives to fit in with Wethersfield society, she works long hours in the kitchen and fields, attends church services, and wins the romantic attentions of William Ashby.
When was The Witch of Blackbird Pond made?
Who does Kit really love?
How old is Judith in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?
16 years old
How old is mercy in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?
both 16 years old
How old is Kit in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?
Who is Kit most loyal to?
Kit is strong-willed, loyal to England, and does not initially understand the lifestyle of the colonists. She bonds with a fellow outcast, Hannah Tupper, a Quaker who other townspeople think is a witch. Kit falls in love with Nat Eaton, who is also friends with Hannah Tupper.
How do the other characters react when Kit jumps in the water?
Kit is annoyed and surprised when Nat tells her that Goodwife Cruff has been telling everyone she is a witch because “no respectable woman could keep afloat in the water like that.” Kit had no idea that the Puritans usually do not swim in Connecticut’s frigid water, and women never do.
Why did Kit sell her grandfather’s estate?
Uncle Matthew asks why she didn’t write. Kit said she thought they might not let her come. More details emerge: Kit’s grandfather had been in debt, so she had to sell off the estate (including her personal African slave).
What did Goodwife cruff have to say about kit?
When Kit says goodbye to Prudence, Goodwife Cruff says, ”I’ll thank you to let my child alone! We do not welcome strangers in this town, and you be the kind we like least.