
Do you think Proctor dies with his goodness as Elizabeth States explain?

Do you think Proctor dies with his goodness as Elizabeth States explain?

NO! Proctor did not die with his goodness in the circumstance that for as many that he has been good towards could in turn reciprocate the good nature. That would mean his goodness did not die with him.

What does John Proctor say about Elizabeth?

As John struggles with whether to falsely confess to witchcraft in Act 4, Elizabeth makes a confession of her own, telling him that she knows she is at least a little to blame for his affair with Abigail, which has brought ruin on them both. In Act 2, John told her that her mercy could freeze beer.

What is the relationship between Proctor and Elizabeth?

For the most part, John and Elizabeth Proctor’s relationship is strong and loving. But considerable strain has been placed upon their marriage by John’s affair with Abigail Proctor. Nevertheless, although Elizabeth no longer completely trusts John, she does everything she can to protect his reputation.

What happens to Elizabeth at the end of the Crucible?

At the end of the play, Elizabeth has used her time in jail to contemplate the way she’s lived her life, and she confesses to John that she did keep a cold home. She is one of just a handful of characters who seem to have grown from the experience of what happened in Salem.

What sin does Elizabeth say she is guilty of?


What happened Giles Corey Act 4?

We learn of his tragic fate in Act Four, when Elizabeth Proctor informs her husband, John, of his death. Giles refused to respond to the charges against him and was pressed to death. His accusers placed huge stones on his chest until he died. His last words supposedly were, “More weight!”

Why does Giles Corey die?

After being arrested, Corey refused to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. He was subjected to pressing in an effort to force him to plead —the only example of such a sanction in American history— and died after three days of this torture.

Why does Giles say more weight?

Giles Corey, a subordinate character in Miller’s play “The Crucible”, asks for ‘more weight’ when he is being pressed to death at the end of the play. Giles asked for more weight for two reasons. First, he knew that the adding of more weight would end his suffering quicker.

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