
Does Seton Hall require letters of recommendation?

Does Seton Hall require letters of recommendation?

Seton Hall requires two letters of recommendation — one from a guidance counselor and one from a teacher. Transfer students with more than 24 credits do not need to submit letters of recommendation.

Is it hard to get into Seton Hall?

Seton Hall admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 74%. Students that get into Seton Hall have an average SAT score between 1150-1330 or an average ACT score of 24-29. The regular admissions application deadline for Seton Hall is February 1.

Is Seton Hall medical school accredited?

All Medical Schools in the United States are accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). Seton Hall University received preliminary accreditation for the School of Medicine from the LCME in February 2018.

Is Seton Hall conservative?

There is not one political choice for the students, seeing that almost everyone comes from a different area and background, but the school is predominantly conservative in any debate that it faces. One thing I can say about the students here at Seton Hall is they are diverse.

Is Seton Hall University safe?

Overall Crime Stats: 184 Incidents Reported Seton Hall University reported 184 safety-related incidents involving students on or near campus or other Seton Hall affiliated properties in 2019. Of the 3,990 colleges and universities that reported crime and safety data, 3,576 of them reported fewer incidents than this.

Why should I go to Seton Hall?

Seton Hall is a place where you’ll have fun while forging lasting friendships. Combining classroom learning with real-world experiences makes learning more tangible. You make connections between what you learn in theory and how you use them in practice.

Is South Orange NJ Safe?

Regardless of bordering high-crime neighborhoods, South Orange is mostly safe. It’s truly a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Is Orange NJ dangerous?

Property crime: 34.1 per thousand residents vs. the NJ statewide average of 17.3 per thousand residents. Odds of being a property crime victim: 1 in 29 vs the NJ statewide average of 1 in 58. So statistically Orange, specifically that section of town, is not as safe as many NJ towns.

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