
How do you write a Debate case?

How do you write a Debate case?

Under this format a contention contains 4 traits.

  1. The first is the Title. This is the label for your argument.
  2. The second part of your contention is the claim. A claim is simply a statement that you believe to be true.
  3. The warrant is the reason your claim is true.
  4. The impact is the reason your argument matters.

What is a case in debate?

In debate, which is a form of argument competition, a case, sometimes known as plan, is a textual advocacy presented, in form of speech, by the Pro team as a normative or “should” statement; it is generally presented in the First Pro Constructive (1AC).

How do you start a debate off?

Opening the debate:

  1. [a nice opening is using a quote]
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this debate.
  3. Welcome from this side of the house…
  4. The motion for debate today is: …
  5. Now we as today’s proposition/opposition strongly believe that this is true/not true.
  6. let us first define some important terms in this debate.

How do you win a class debate?

Be confident and well Prepared– Student should prepare well for ‘Debate Topic’ they have been assigned. Do research on the topic, write notes for important points, dress for the occasion (if competition is organised outside the school), memorise important topics, do counter preparation, and don’t take the stress.

What are the key elements of a debate?

Five Elements to Every Debate Round

  • The Judge. An academic debate is set up to persuade either a person or a group of people, not your opponent.
  • The Resolution. This is a claim or proposition that both sides of the game agree to argue.
  • The Sides.
  • The Speeches.
  • The Decision.

What are the positions in a debate?

Role of each speaker

  • First speaker of the Proposition.
  • First speaker of the Opposition.
  • Second speaker (Opposition or Proposition)
  • Third Speaker (Opposition or Proposition)
  • Reply speeches.

What does the third person do in a debate?

Third Opposition The Third Speakers’ primary role is to attack the substantive arguments raised by the opposing team. Although the Third Proposition Speaker has the option of delivering a small substantive argument, most find it more useful to devote the time allocated to attacking the Opposition’s case.

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