
How does latitude affect the climate of India Class 9?

How does latitude affect the climate of India Class 9?

Answer: The Tropic of Cancer passes almost from the middle of the country. Almost half of the country, lying south of the Tropic of Cancer, belongs to the tropical area. Therefore, India’s climate has characteristics of tropical as well as sub-tropical type of climate.

How does latitude affect the climate?

As latitude increases, the sun shines more obliquely and provides less warming energy. The equator always faces the sun directly, so the climate is warm year-round, with the average day and night temperature hovering between 12.5 and 14.3 degrees Celsius (54.5 and 57.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

How do latitude and altitude affect the climate of India?

Due to the curvature of the earth the amount of solar energy received varies according to different latitudes. Thus latitudes affect the climate in this way.At higher altitudes there is decrease in temperature. This is why hills stay cooler in summer. {Hills are located at high altitudes}.

What is the role of latitude in controlling the Indian climate?

1) LATITUDE – INDIA IS DIVIDED BY THE TROPIC OF CANCER IN TO THE TROPICAL NORTH AND SUBTROPICAL SOUTH. 3) PRESSURE AND WIND SYSTEM – They depend on the latitude and altitude of a place, thus influencing the rainfall patterns. 4) DISTANCE FROM SEA – The sea has a moderating effect on the climate.

What are the factors that affect India’s climate?

  • The elements affecting the climate are latitude, altitude and pressure and winds, distance from the sea (continentality), ocean currents and relief features.
  • Latitude and altitude: The most important climatic control is latitude.

What are the controlling factors of Indian climate?

Climate of India: 10 Factors which Influence the Climate of India

  • Location and Latitudinal Extent: The mainland of India extends roughly from 8°N to 37°N and the Tropic of Cancer of passes through the middle of the country.
  • Distance from the Sea:
  • The Northern Mountain Ranges:
  • Physiography:
  • Monsoon Winds:
  • Upper Air Circulation:
  • El-Nino Effect:
  • La Nina:

What is the main characteristics of India’s climate?

India hosts two climatic subtypes- tropical monsoon climate, tropical wet and dry climate that fall under this group. 1) The most humid is the tropical wet climate—also known as tropical monsoon climate—that covers a strip of southwestern lowlands abutting the Malabar Coast, the Western Ghats, and southern Assam.

What are the six major controls of the climate?


  • Latitude. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator.
  • Ocean currents. Certain ocean currents have different temperatures.
  • Wind and air masses. Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure.
  • Elevation. The higher up you are, the colder and drier it will be.
  • Relief.

What are the 5 controls of temperature?

List the five controls of temperature ●Ocean Currents●Altitude●Geographic Position●Albedo●Differential heating of land and water 4.

What are the major control of the climate?

What are the six major controls of the climate of the world? Answer: Latitude: Due to the round shape of the Earth, the amount of solar energy received varies according to latitude. Ocean currents: Ocean currents alongwith the onshore winds affect the climate of a coastal area.

Which is not a climate control?

Relief is not a climatic control.

What is the most fundamental control of weather and climate?

The main factor influencing the climate of a region is latitude because different latitudes receive different amounts of solar radiation. Sunlight filters through a thick wedge of atmosphere, making the sunlight much less intense. The high albedo, because of ice and snow, reflects a good portion of the sun’s light.

What are the 5 parts of the climate system?

Its components The climate system, as defined in this Report, is an interactive system consisting of five major components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the land surface and the biosphere, forced or influenced by various external forcing mechanisms, the most important of which is the Sun (see Figure …

What is Earth’s climate?

Earth’s global climate is an average of regional climates. The global climate has cooled and warmed throughout history. Today, we are seeing unusually rapid warming. The scientific consensus is that greenhouse gases, which are increasing because of human activities, are trapping heat in the atmosphere.

What are the 3 main climate zones of the earth?

According to the three cell convection model of each hemisphere the Earth neatly separates itself into three distinct climate zones; the polar, temperate, and the tropical zones.

Why is water so special in Earth’s climate system?

Water in its various forms is overwhelmingly the most important substance in climate system. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, even more effective at absorbing the thermal radiation from the Earth’s surface than carbon dioxide.

How do we know co2 is increasing?

Ever since the early 1960s, atmospheric scientists have known that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are on the rise. We know that this increase is caused by burning of fossil fuels – coal, oil and natural gas – which emit carbon dioxide into the air.

How long does water vapor stay in the atmosphere?

A drop of water may spend over 3,000 years in the ocean before evaporating into the air, while a drop of water spends an average of just nine days in the atmosphere before falling back to Earth.

Does water vapor contribute to climate change?

Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It’s true that water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect. On average, it probably accounts for about 60% of the warming effect. However, water vapor does not control the Earth’s temperature, but is instead controlled by the temperature.

How can we reduce water vapor in the atmosphere?

Here are some ways of reducing water vapor and its harmful effects in the metallizing system:

  1. Metallize parts as quickly as possible after basecoating.
  2. Keep the chamber clean.
  3. Keep chamber closed and under vacuum unless loading or unloading parts.
  4. Air-condition or dehumidify metallizing area.

What effect does carbon monoxide have on the atmosphere?

Carbon monoxide is a trace gas in the atmosphere, and it does not have a direct effect on the global temperature, like methane and carbon dioxide do. However, carbon monoxide plays a major role in atmospheric chemistry, and it affects the ability of the atmosphere to cleanse itself of many other polluting gases.

How does water vapor affect the atmosphere?

Water vapor is also the most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Heat radiated from Earth’s surface is absorbed by water vapor molecules in the lower atmosphere. The water vapor molecules, in turn, radiate heat in all directions. Some of the heat returns to the Earth’s surface.

What is the most important source of water vapor in the atmosphere?

In fact, an important source of stratospheric water vapour is the oxidation of methane transported up from the troposphere. Future warming due to climate change and increasing concentrations of methane are both expected to lead to more water vapour in the stratosphere.

What percentage is water vapor in the atmosphere?

Gaseous water represents a small but environmentally significant constituent of the atmosphere. The percentage water vapor in surface air varies from 0.01% at -42 °C (-44 °F) to 4.24% when the dew point is 30 °C (86 °F). Approximately 99.13% of it is contained in the troposphere.

What if there was no water vapor in the atmosphere?

Water vapor is extremely important to the weather and climate. Without it, there would be no clouds or rain or snow, since all of these require water vapor in order to form. All of the water vapor that evaporates from the surface of the Earth eventually returns as precipitation – rain or snow.

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