
Why is it important to post to a blog regularly?

Why is it important to post to a blog regularly?

Blog Helps in Ranking: The Blog is the place where we can update our regular fresh content. Blog posts helps in getting rankings. Timely updating the blog allows the traffic coming to your blog, that lifts up your site very well. From SEO point of view, every blog you add, creates a new page to your website.

Why do we need a blog?

Blogging is a simple way to get discovered via social media. Every time you write a blog post, you’re creating content that people can easily share on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other channels. This helps expose your company to audiences you might not even know yet.

What is the role of a blog?

Companies use blogs as an informal, unstructured communication tool that can engage current and future customers and members of their wider community. Blogs are often used to start and maintain relationships, to update an audience, discuss new functionalities, and to inform about company decisions.

How many views per month is good for a blog?

At 100,000 pageviews a month, you should be blogging for full-time income.

How many words should be there in a blog?

The research is clear: In general, blogs post should be more than 1,000 words. And the longer your post, the more likely it is to rank higher in Google searches. Of course, blog articles should only be as long as they need to be. Some posts can get their message across in 300 words.

How many articles should I have on my blog?

Step 2: If you have a solid foundation of at least 5 – 15 amazing blog posts, start launching your blog via email marketing, social media marketing & so on. The more articles you have, when you launch on social media, the better. I would recommend at least 5 – 15 articles, depending on your topic and design.

How do I schedule a blog post?

Hover over Done and select Schedule.

  1. When you’re done editing a post, in the Blog Post Editor, click Draft.
  2. Select Scheduled.
  3. Click the date next to Publish.
  4. Choose a publication date and time. You can also use the slider to publish the post in a specified number of days from now.
  5. Click Save.
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