
Does reading the Bible bring you closer to God?

Does reading the Bible bring you closer to God?

Just as you like certain qualities of your close friends, reading the Bible should help you discover things you love about God. And when you love God, you will want to change anything that could make you closer to him.

How do you stay close to God?

6 ways to stay close to God

  1. Get Outside: There is nothing like getting outdoors to re-focus.
  2. Set a Daily Reminder: About a year ago, I set a daily reminder on my phone at 3 pm.
  3. Meet with an Inspiring Friend: Make lunch plans or a coffee date with the friend that asks the tough questions, dives deep, and speaks the truth.

How can I get close to Jesus?

Talk to Jesus through prayer. Tell him what you are up to or what your plans are or why you are sad or what you need and so on. He is your Father. He wants what’s best for you and most of all he wants you! Go to him for everything and you will feel closer to him in no time.

How do I have a consistent prayer life?

Read your Bible. When you don’t know what to pray or how to pray just open your Bible and begin reading. (And you should be reading God’s word each day already) Ask God to speak to you as you read the scriptures. Let His words guide you and keep your mind on track.

What does it mean to stay consistent?

adjective. Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something. He was never the most consistent of players anyway.

How do you overcome lack of consistency?

If that’s the case, then try these things:

  1. Exercise. A Lot!
  2. Follow Your Curiosity. You already jump from thing to thing naturally.
  3. Never Rely on Motivation. Motivation is something you feel in the moment.
  4. Consistency is a Practice.
  5. Find What’s Easy, For Now.
  6. Be OK With Being an Amateur.
  7. More Output, Less Input.
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