
Can we live without conflict?

Can we live without conflict?

Conflict is an inescapable reality of being human. One cannot be human without being in conflict, which means every human community is – by definition – inescapably caught within a cyclical network of battles, struggles, wars, and disagreements. Conflict is life, and life is conflict.

What if there was no war?

Without war, individuals would still die from accidents, homicides, suicides at a normal rate, but it’s easy to see how the end of war would at least marginally effect population levels around the world.

Why do human go to war?

For some, the element of human nature that leads to war is an innate aggressive drive or instinct. Others see war as resulting not from aggression per se, but rather from human greed, irrationality, or group-forming tendencies.

What was first human?

Homo sapiens

Why do we fight?

One of the reasons behind the fight is whenever human being feel threatened about their lives or livelihoods they prefer to protect it and they choose to fight for it, usually human beings prefer peace but when they get threatened about their lives or about their people they choose to stand for it.

How do I win an argument with my mom?

If you’re ready to start winning arguments and getting more of what you want, for good, follow these simple tips.

  1. Show Your Evidence. If you really want to persuade your parents, you’re going to have to present some cold hard facts.
  2. Be Confident. Confidence is key.
  3. Stay On Topic.
  4. Be Calm.
  5. Listen.
  6. Test Out Your Argument.

Why does my mom always fight with me?

Clashes like these are very common between teens and parents — teens get angry because they feel parents don’t respect them and aren’t giving them space to do what they like, and parents get angry because they aren’t used to not being in control or they disagree with the teens’ decisions.

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Can we live without conflict?

Can we live without conflict?

Conflict is an inescapable reality of being human. One cannot be human without being in conflict, which means every human community is – by definition – inescapably caught within a cyclical network of battles, struggles, wars, and disagreements. Conflict is life, and life is conflict.

What would have happened if World War 1 never happened?

Without World War I, there probably wouldn’t have been World War II. No Cold War. Without tens of millions of deaths, European nations would have likely put more resources into building their economies. Germany would have become an economic, scientific and cultural powerhouse.

What happen if World War 3?

Most likely, millions of people would die, and the Earth would take decades, if not centuries, to recover – especially with some of the weapons and tools countries would be using in todays age. Soldiers on the ground might have exoskeletons.

What happens if World War 2 never happened?

United Nations would not exist to prevent any of the wars. The US would not be the top super power country and would have little influence over world affairs. All of Europe would never have united to create the Euro, and fighting would continue to this day.

What if WW2 was a stalemate?

Stalemate would mean both sides compromise. That couldn’t have happened since war started only because Axis didn’t want to compromise. No one objected when Hitler annexed Austria, took control of Czechoslovakia and even invaded few parta of Poland and Hungary. He tried to invade USSR and destroy Britain’s cities.

What is a stalemate in war?

In popular usage, the word stalemate refers to a conflict that has reached an impasse, and in which resolution or further action seems highly difficult or unlikely.

What would the population be without World War 2?

Applying our percentages we can estimate that there would be an additional 188-237 million more people today if not for WW2. That means the theoretical current population if WW2 did not occur as being between 7.162-7.211 billion people.

What happened to the French military in WW2?

During the course of the war, French military losses totaled 212,000 dead, of which 92,000 were killed through the end of the campaign of 1940, 58,000 from 1940 to 1945 in other campaigns, 24,000 lost while serving in the French resistance, and a further 38,000 lost while serving with the German Army (including 32,000 …

Why did the French not fight in WW2?

France believed the line was impregnable; the country no longer needed to fear German invasion. The French didn’t extend the Maginot Line into this area because they had a mutual-defense treaty with the Belgians. If Germany invaded Belgium, the French army would cross the border to fight alongside their allies.

Who switched sides in ww2?


Why do the French always surrender?

I suspect it’s due to the choice that the leaders of France made in June 1940, when the Nazi war machine was advancing on Paris. The French, who had fought (and suffered horrible losses) to the bitter end in World War I, signed an armistice with the Nazis in June, mere weeks after the wehrmacht invaded Belgium.

What if France did not surrender?

If the French had not surrendered, there would have been many important consequences: The French fleet would have remained in the War, this would have made the invasion of Britain impossible. France could have continued the war from North Africa. This would have meant that the Axis would not have threatened Suez.

Did the French really surrender?

France surrendered to the Nazis in 1940 for complex reasons. The proximate cause, of course, was the success of the German invasion, which left metropolitan France at the mercy of Nazi armies. But the German victory opened profound rifts in French society.

What did German soldiers call French soldiers?

Re: German slang for Allied soldiers Slang for French soldiers: Rotkäppchen or Poilu.

How many wars France won?

In 185 battles that France have fought over the past 800 years, their armies have won 132 times, lost 43 times and drawn only 10, giving the French military the best record of any country.

What was the largest army in history?

The United States

Which country fights the most wars?

United States of America

Which country lost the most wars?


Did Canada ever lose a war?

Has Canada ever lost or tied a war we’ve been in eg War of 1812, The Great War, World War Two, The Boer War, Korean War, etc… no. Not ever.” activities in the soil covering modern day Canada, as well as interventions through the Canadian armed services with fights as well as peacekeeping globally.

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