
What according to Descartes Am I what is the nature of the mind?

What according to Descartes Am I what is the nature of the mind?

On the one hand, Descartes argues that the mind is indivisible because he cannot perceive himself as having any parts. On the other hand, the body is divisible because he cannot think of a body except as having parts. Hence, if mind and body had the same nature, it would be a nature both with and without parts.

What is Descartes trying to show with his example of the wax in the second meditation?

Descartes uses the “Wax Example” in the second meditation of Meditations on First Philosophy to explain why we as thinking things are able to know a thing even if it has been altered or changed in some way. Descartes examines a piece of wax, noting its properties….

What did Descartes prove in his wax experiment?

The thought experiment Descartes first considers all the sensible properties of a ball of wax such as its shape, texture, size, color, and smell. He then points out that all these properties change as the wax is moved closer to a fire.

What does Descartes doubt using the wax example?

After all, as he has admitted, he may not be perceiving the piece of wax at all: it may be a dream or an illusion. But when he is perceiving the piece of wax, he cannot doubt that he is perceiving nor that he is judging what he perceives to be a piece of wax, and both of these acts of thought imply that he exists.

What qualities then belong to the wax essentially?

Some qualities that belong to the wax essentially is extension. When you work with things that can change your left with things that can’t change is essence. Extension is the essence of the reason. We understand this through our reason, but not out senses.

How did Hume conceived of self?

Hume argues that our concept of the self is a result of our natural habit of attributing unified existence to any collection of associated parts. This belief is natural, but there is no logical support for it.

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