
What to use instead of has been?

What to use instead of has been?

What is another word for has been?

lapsed former
onetime recent
has-been sometime
one-time previous

What is meant by has been?

What does has-been mean? Has-been is a negative term for a person who is considered to have lost or to be far removed from the success, popularity, or skill that they once had. Has-been is used as an insult. This can be an insult or a compliment, depending on how it’s used.

What is another word for has?

What is another word for has?

owns possesses
boasts has in keeping
holds maintains
carries controls
enjoys has possession of

What does maintaining order mean?

to keep in an appropriate condition, operation, or force; keep unimpaired: to maintain order; to maintain public highways.

What is the opposite of maintaining?

Verb. ▲ Opposite of to keep a particular state constant or consistent. undulate.

What is the opposite of sustain?

Antonyms for sustain disallow, avoid, misunderstand, surrender, shun, evade.

What is another word for sprouted?

Sprout Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for sprout?

germinate bud
vegetate burgeon
pullulate push
shoot spring
put forth shoots develop

What’s another word for overall?

What is another word for overall?

total entire
whole complete
full gross
overarching unmitigated
long-range long-term
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