
What cleans pennies better science project?

What cleans pennies better science project?

Create a solution of vinegar and salt using one teaspoon of salt and 1/4 of a cup of vinegar. Mix until the salt is dissolved (it helps if the vinegar is a little warm). Add the pennies. Wait about 5 minutes, then remove the pennies from the solution.

What kind of juice cleans pennies best science project research?

Those tart little lemons work to remove copper oxide because they contain citric acid. Since lemon juice has the highest concentration of citric acid of any fruit, it works the best. Other juices that rank highly include lime, grapefruit, and orange juice.

What liquid cleans copper pennies the best?

Vinegar (or Lemon Juice) and Salt This method is the best way to clean your pennies, and it will produce a very bright orangey-copper color on your pennies. It does this by using the low levels of acids that are contained naturally in vinegar and lemon juice to remove the patina (brown oxidation) on the penny.

Which cleaning solution works best on coins?

Follow These Steps:

  • In a jar, combine one cup vinegar (or lemon juice) and 1 tablespoon salt.
  • Pour the solution into the plastic container.
  • Add the coins in a single layer, so none of the coins are touching.
  • When you remove the coins and wipe them with a cloth or paper towel, they should look shiny.

What do professionals use to clean coins?

Pour your distilled white vinegar into your shallow bowl. There should be enough vinegar to completely cover your coins. Gently place your coin or coins into the vinegar. Let your coins sit for at least 30 minutes.

What can I use to clean pennies?

For many pennies, one tablespoon (15 g) of salt in 1/2 cup (4 oz) of vinegar will get the job done. Stir the mixture to dissolve the salt. If you don’t have vinegar, use lemon or even orange juice. Copper oxide (the gunk on your pennies) dissolves in weak acid, and that’s just what all three of these liquids are.

Can you clean a penny with Coke?

Coke and off-brand colas will quickly remove the tarnish. Just don’t drink the coke afterward. Coke contains phosphoric acid that cleans the oxides. Try a variety of citrus juices to see which works best or simply let your pennies soak in lemon juice.

Does hydrogen peroxide clean pennies?

Coin Cleaning Method #2 Hydrogen Peroxide is praised religiously by many as to being a great household ingredient for cleaning coins without causing any damage. Simply submerge coins into a container of Hydrogen Peroxide and just let soak for 24 hours.

How do you clean pennies without losing their value?

The use of vinegar and salt to clean pennies goes way back. It works on the same principle as using ketchup (Ketchup contains vinegar, salt and tomatoes), but there is less rubbing involved. Mix up a concoction of vinegar and salt. Stir it around to dissolve the salt and then dump in your dirty pennies.

Why do pennies turn dull?

When oxygen binds with copper, they form a new molecule known as copper oxide. This is why most pennies you see look dirty or tarnished—it’s not actually dirt but copper oxide that makes them look so dull.

How do you remove oxidation from pennies?

Copper oxide dissolves in a mixture of weak acid and table salt-and vinegar is an acid. You could also clean your pennies with salt and lemon juice or orange juice, because those juices are acids, too.

Does baking soda clean pennies?

You would see that using baking soda to clean coins is both harmless and effective. Note that baking soda will serve as a perfect cleanser for cleaning silver coins than for copper coins. If normal rinsing doesn’t help, you can try dipping the coin in baking soda solution for a few minutes and leave it for some time.

Does rubbing alcohol clean pennies?

To soak your coins, you will create a bath using isopropyl alcohol and salt. It is important to note that each of these chemicals is acidic and abrasive. While they will do a great job of cleaning your coins, be careful of how many contacts they have with your skin.

Does vinegar make pennies shiny?

The vinegar made its penny shiny. Pennies become dull over time as copper on the surface reacts with oxygen from the air. The acetic acid in vinegar dissolves these chemicals and leaves the copper surface of the penny looking shiny.

How do you clean pennies with toothpaste?

Don’t use toothpaste – Toothpaste is extremely abrasive. It can make your coins appear shiny, but cause significant damage to the surface. Don’t use ketchup – You might have learned in science class that dipping a penny in ketchup can restore their shine.

Why does ketchup clean a penny?

Ketchup contains vinegar, a weak acid, which breaks down the copper oxide on the surface of the penny. The salt in the ketchup goes on to add dissolved chloride ions to the mix. These ions bond with the copper, forming copper chloride. The copper chloride helps the vinegar further break down the copper oxide.

How do you remove tarnish from a coin?

Here’s our surefire way to clean tarnished coins:

  1. In a plastic container like those for storing your leftover foods or a small child sized bucket, add 1 cup of white vinegar and soak 4-5 coins in it.
  2. Take the coins out and sprinkle some baking soda over them; then use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush them clean.

Does it devalue coins to clean them?

So what is the best way to clean old coins? It is best not to clean rare coins as removing the patina can significantly reduce the value of them. For this reason, most coin hobbyists almost never clean their coins. In fact, 99% of coins do not increase in value after you clean them, but many will be greatly devalued.

Can you boil coins to clean them?

You can boil your coins if you want. That would likely take most of the water-soluble dirt off of them. However, most dirty coins aren’t dirty in the same way that your laundry is. Boiling them isn’t likely to help that very much.

How much value does a cleaned coin lose?

If you try to clean it and end up introducing the slightest amount of wear, it will no longer be uncirculated. You’ve just lost at least 75% of the value, and possibly as much as 90% of the value. This of course depends on the price curve for condition of a particular coin.

Why is cleaning coins bad?

In general, numismatists will tell you that cleaning coins is a bad idea. They will even go so far as to tell you not to handle them except by holding them along their edges, and even then, with extreme care. Polishing or rubbing coins can cause unnatural shine or other damage, also reducing the value of your coins.

Why are cleaned coins worth less?

There’s a reason that a cleaned coin is often worth less than half its original, undamaged value – numismatists simply don’t want them. In fact, in most cases, anything more than a simple surface rinsing with water to dislocate loose debris will actually remove tiny bits of metal from the coin.

Does cleaning silver decrease value?

Tarnished or polished are not states of value except when talking marketability. The maker, style, period, finess of make, wear, damage all affect value. This method should never be used to clean antique silver as it will damage the patina. …

Does tarnished silver lose value?

Tarnish does not affect the metal content of your silver product, but it can have a modest impact on the resale Value. Dealers and other buyers will often pay a bit less if the silver does not have its original luster.

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