
How do I ask my professor for an assignment extension?

How do I ask my professor for an assignment extension?

An email to your professor is probably your best bet. Be polite, explain that you’re requesting an extension, give your reason why, and offer your proposed new deadline.

How do I buy more time on an assignment?

Once you’ve explained your situation to the teacher, request a brief extension for the assignment….Accept the instructor’s response.

  1. If they say “yes,” thank them profusely and work hard to meet your new deadline.
  2. If they say “no,” thank them for their time and start working on the assignment as soon as you can.

Should universities penalize students for late submission of their work?

Model Answer. It is debatable whether or not Universities should impose fines on pupils for late submissions of projects. Although fear of penalties makes the students more serious towards studies, yet, the undue pressure of submission before deadline results in serious offenses such as plagiarism.

What happens after you submit your thesis?

After Thesis Submission: You will receive an acknowledgement from the Postgraduate (PG) Office to say that your thesis has been received (usually to your Postgraduate email account).

What is thesis submission?

A thesis or dissertation (abbreviated diss.) is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author’s research and findings.

What happens after you get your PhD?

You can also tailor your life after PhD. There is the option of either choosing a research-intensive academic job or a position with a greater emphasis on teaching. You could also be interested in non-academic jobs, which could mean working in industry.

What happens to PhD thesis?

After Thesis Submission: The PG Office will contact your Senior Supervisor to request submission of the Examiner Nomination Form and the Supervisor’s Certificate (if these have not already been received). Your thesis cannot be sent for examination until these forms have been received.

How long is a PhD thesis pages?

The thesis is not to exceed 80,000 words (approx. 350 pages) for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MSc or MLitt degree. These limits include all text, figures, tables and photographs, but exclude the bibliography, cited references and appendices.

What happens if PhD supervisor leaves?

If the supervisor leaves the Institute, then possibility of him/her continuing as a supervisor or co-supervisor should be explored. If such an arrangement is not possible or fails for any reason, the student can use the previous work in the thesis.

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