
How do you use whom in a question?

How do you use whom in a question?

Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition. When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he”’ or “’she,” use who. If you can replace it with “him” or “her,” use whom.

Who vs whom sentences examples?

For example, “Who is the best in class?” If you rewrote that question as a statement, “He is the best in class.” makes sense. Use whom when a sentence needs an object pronoun like him or her. For example, “This is for whom?” Again, if you rewrote that question as a statement, “This is for him.” sounds correct.

Who vs whom in a statement?

“Who” is generally used for the subject, while “whom” is generally the object in the sentence. If the question is considered a statement, we have to check whether the subject can be replaced by pronouns like “he,” “she,” etc., or “him,” “her,” etc.

Who I taught or whom I taught?

The technically correct way is, “Who taught whom?” You use “who” for the subject (the one doing the action of teaching) and “whom” for the object (the one receiving the teaching).

How do you teach who vs whom?

Even though who and whom are both pronouns, they do completely different jobs in a sentence—who acts as the subject while whom acts as the object. Just remember to use who to refer to the person who is propelling the action in a sentence; use whom when the person is having the action done to them.

Who or whom singular or plural?

2 Answers. ‘Who’ does not inflect for number: it is always ‘who’ as the subject of a clause and ‘whom’ in all other contexts, whether its antecedent is singular or plural.

Is all of whom correct?

You are correct, it should be “whom”. By the traditional rules, “who” is used for subjects and “whom” for objects. But when you say “all of whom were picked”, the subject is “all”, not “who” or “whom”. “Whom” is the object of the preposition “of”.

Who is coming or whom coming?

The quick test in choosing between who and whom is to substitute he or him. If he sounds better, who is correct; if him sounds right, whom is correct. That’s because as a pronoun whom is used to represent the object of either a verb or a preposition, while who represents the subject of a verb.

What does whom mean?

whom(Pronoun) What person or people; which person or people, as the object of a preposition. whom(Pronoun) Him; her; them (used as a relative pronoun to refer to a previously mentioned person or people.)

What does whom mean in text?

Whom is formal English and is used instead of “who” when the sentence is referring to an object pronoun and not when the sentence is referring to a subject pronoun such as he or she. An example of whom is someone asking which person someone is speaking to, “To whom are you speaking?”

Who do I love or whom I love?

Both are correct, but for different reasons. In these interrogative sentences. who/whom is the direct object of the verb love: “You love who/whom.” The rules for formal written English say that the word should be whom, because it is in the objective case. But whom is disappearing from spoken American English.

What type of word is whom?

“Who” and “whoever” are subjective pronouns; “whom” and “whomever” are in the objective case. That simply means that “who” (and the same for “whoever”) is always subject to a verb, and that “whom” (and the same for “whomever”) is always working as an object in a sentence.

What type of speech is whom?


Can whom be plural?

There is no plural form for “whom.” Similar to “who,” “whom” is also an interrogative pronoun that can refer to a singular or plural subject.

Is many of whom correct?

“Many of which” applies to inanimate objects. “Many of whom” applies to animate objects — more specifically, people.

What is the difference between whose and whom?

Possessive pronouns, such as her, his and our, are used to indicate ownership by a person or thing. We use whose as a possessive pronoun if we wish to find out who owns something or as a clause when indicating ownership is important to the context of the sentence.

Is whom becoming obsolete?

In casual speech and writing, whom is becoming somewhat obsolete. But for formal speech and writing, always use whom when it’s called for.

Is whom still a word?

Many people never use the word in speech at all. However, in formal writing, critical readers still expect it to be used when appropriate. “Whom” is very rarely used even by careful speakers as the first word in a question, and many authorities have now conceded the point.

Is whom only used in questions?

If the preposition is at the end of the question, informal English uses “who” instead of “whom.” (As seen in “Who will I speak with” above.) However, if the question begins with a preposition, you will need to use “whom,” whether the sentence is formal or informal.

Who has or whose?

Who’s is a contraction linking the words who is or who has, and whose is the possessive form of who. They may sound the same, but spelling them correctly can be tricky.

Who’s or whose birthday?

“Who’s” is a contraction of “who is” or “who has”. “Whose” is the possessive form of “who”.

Who’s dog or whose dog?

“Who’s that dog?” is correct if you mean to ask who the dog is. “Who’s” is a contraction of “who is”. “Whose is that dog?” is correct if you mean to ask who the owner of the dog is.

Whose and who’s in a sentence together?

Whose is a possessive pronoun that you should use when you’re asking or telling whom something belongs to. Who’s is a contraction made up of the words “who” and “is” or “who” and “has”.

How do you say Whose for an object?

Which and that, the relative pronouns for animals and objects do not have an equivalent so “whose” can be used here as well, such as in “the movie, whose name I can’t remember.” Whose is appropriate for inanimate objects in all cases except the interrogative case, where “whose” is in the beginning of a sentence.

Who whom whose exercises?

Do the exercise below on the relative pronouns who whom, whose and which. Click on the button to check your answers.

  • He bought all the tools. who.
  • This is the doctor. who.
  • This is the girl.
  • She managed to pass the exam in spite of all the difficulties,
  • These are the kids.
  • Give me the plate.
  • I don’t know.
  • The criminals, two of.

Who’s idea or whose idea?

It’s an apostrophe telling you that who’s is short for “who is.” Whose silly idea was it to make these words sound alike? Who knows? But whose shows possession and who’s is a contraction.

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