
Do I use who or whom?

Do I use who or whom?

General rule for who vs whom: Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence. Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.

Who or whom I worked with?

Actually, grammatically, the preferred way is “with whom I worked.” “Whom” is the objective case of “who,” and it’s the object of the preposition “with.” Even if you wrote or said “whom I worked with,” grammatically it’s the same as “with whom I worked.” However, generally in English it’s better not to end a sentence …

Who vs whom in a question?

If the preposition is at the end of the question, informal English uses “who” instead of “whom.” (As seen in “Who will I speak with” above.) However, if the question begins with a preposition, you will need to use “whom,” whether the sentence is formal or informal. (As in “With whom will I speak?”)

Who’s or whose or whom?

Who’s is a contraction linking the words who is or who has, and whose is the possessive form of who. They may sound the same, but spelling them correctly can be tricky. To get into the difference between who’s and whose, read on.

Who whom whose sentences?

  • WHO is used for people. Who is a subject pronoun.
  • WHOM is an object pronoun. Example; him, her, us… It should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.
  • WHOSE is a pronoun. It is used in questions to ask who owns something.

Who whom whose examples?

The sentence below contains an example of an indirect question: I don’t know whom he invited….”Who,” “Whom” and “Whose” in Indirect Questions

  • He doesn’t know who the boss of the company is.
  • I don’t care whom you invite.
  • She isn’t sure whose car that is.

Who’s example sentences?

Who-s sentence example

  • “So who’s our new guest?” he asked.
  • And Shipton is the only one who’s doing the talking.
  • Do you honestly think you can keep a secret that’s a major part of your life from someone who’s sharing a bed with you?
  • “You’re the only one who’s ever tried,” she added.
  • Six, but who’s counting?

Can you start a sentence with whom?

“Whom was called into the office?” Technically, that “whom” is correct because it’s the object of the verb “called.” Yet almost no one would say it that way. It means that, when the pronoun’s at the beginning of a sentence, even the most formal writing can use “who” as an object. …

Do we still use whom?

Many people never use the word in speech at all. However, in formal writing, critical readers still expect it to be used when appropriate. “Whom” is very rarely used even by careful speakers as the first word in a question, and many authorities have now conceded the point.

Who do you trust or whom do you trust?

The sentence is correct, however, there is a rule about the use of who versus whom. In formal English, who is used when referring to the subject, while whom is used when referring to the object. So in formal English it would be grammatically better to use whom , since whom is the object of the verb ‘to trust’.

Can you end a sentence with whom?

If you can replace it with him or her (or another object pronoun), use whom. One way to remember this trick is that both him and whom end with the letter m. So, for example: [Who/Whom] do you love?

Who should I ask or whom should I ask?

Is it who to ask or Whom to ask? The grammatically correct way to phrase this is whom to ask. The phrase to ask really means should I ask. Whenever we need a pronoun that refers to the subject, we use who.

Who do you love or whom do you love?

Some examples: 1) Who do you love? (Answer: I love him, her or them–all objects.) Therefore, the correct usage would be whom. Bo Diddly would have sounded stuffy if he sang, Whom Do You Love.

Who I love dearly or whom I love dearly?

“Them” is the objective case. So you should use also use the objective case of who/whom. Thus: “…, all of whom I love dearly.” (And so that first question should be “whom do I love”.)

Why does the word whom exist?

“Whom” is a pronoun that always refers to a person. Secondly, “whom” provides a signal that the person in question is the direct object of the verb. In other words, whomever (see!) the “whom” refers to is receiving the action of the verb (not performing the action).

Is whom’s a word?

Here, the contraction “whom’s” stands for “whom has.” Likewise, in Mrs. John Lane, Maria Again, (1915):

What means whom?

Whom is formal English and is used instead of “who” when the sentence is referring to an object pronoun and not when the sentence is referring to a subject pronoun such as he or she. An example of whom is someone asking which person someone is speaking to, “To whom are you speaking?”

What is another word for whom?

What is another word for whom?

of which of whom
that to which
to whom which
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