
Does Photomath work for physics?

Does Photomath work for physics?

We’re the ONLY app that guarantees you Math, Physics and Chemistry help when you need it – 24×7, anytime, anywhere. We make it easy for you to get study help so you can have more free time, less stress, and get better grades! Instantly connect to a Study Expert in seconds: 1.

Does Mathway help with physics?

5Homework is our organization, and we�re dedicated to provide you with help on physics homework. But, using the Algebra help, completed with the proper and obvious steps, you discover no difficulty in knowing the solution.

Which is harder math or physics?

General perception: Physics is harder than Mathematics. Physics might be more challenging because of the theoretical concepts, the mathematical calculations, laboratory experiments and even the need to write lab reports.

Is Year 12 physics hard?

A lot of students have problems with vector decomposition which is simple but assumed knowledge in Year 12 (and it isn’t taught in high school mathematics)- so regardless of the absolute difficulty of the courses, Year 12 will be much harder without Year 11 physics.

How do you pass physics?

Strategies to Help You Pass a Physics Test

  1. Take careful notes during each class or lecture, then review them shortly after.
  2. Take notes as you read textbook assignments.
  3. Regularly combine your class and textbook notes so, when you are readying for an exam, you have one comprehensive set of notes to work with.

Is physics a good subject?

Many people who have studied physics report it helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Data from the American Institute of Physics show that physics majors get among the highest MCAT scores and the highest LSAT scores of all undergraduate majors.

What are the disadvantages of physics?


  • Though we welcome these blessing of science, we have to consider the darker side of the picture also.
  • Machines have led to unemployment.
  • They have polluted water and atmosphere.
  • Factories have led to slums where human beings live in squalor.

Why do I enjoy physics?

Physics helps you to understand the world around you, and satisfy your curiosity. Studying physics develops your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Physicists are versatile, which opens a wide range of future careers. Physics drives technology advancements, impacting society, the environment and the economy.

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