
What happens in chapter 2 of Touching Spirit Bear?

What happens in chapter 2 of Touching Spirit Bear?

In Chapter 2 of Touching Spirit Bear, Cole is on his way to the island with supplies. Edwin and Garvey advise him on how to stay alive and how this place will either help him or kill him. After 3 months of lying about his true intentions, Cole is finally left alone.

What does Edwin mean when he says you live or die by your actions?

What does Edwin mean when he says, “You live or die by your actions”? Whatever happens to Cole will be a result of his own actions; he will no longer be able to blame others.

What Garvey gave Cole?

oow is a ”colorful red-and-blue blanket” that Garvey gives to Cole.

Who is Nathaniel Blackwood in Touching Spirit Bear?

Nathaniel Blackwood is the lawyer whom Cole’s dad hires to defend Cole after he assaults Peter. Blackwood is a stiff man who, in Cole’s opinion, must starch his underwear, judging by just how stiffly he conducts himself.

What is Circle justice in Touching Spirit Bear?

In Touching Spirit Bear, the Native American Circle of Justice provides an alternative form of justice for Cole Mathews. In this system, the goal is to focus on the whole person and heal him or her so that the likelihood of a repeat crime is extremely low.

How does Cole feel about his parents?

How does Cole describe his parents near the beginning of the story? Cole describes his mom as “a scared Barbie doll, always looking good but never fighting back or standing up to anyone.” He calls his dad “a bullheaded drinker with a temper.”

What is the first mistake that Cole finally admits to?

What is the first mistake Cole admits to? Beating up Peter was a mistake.

What does the spirit bear symbolize in touching spirit?

The Spirit Bear that lives on the Alaskan island where Cole is sent symbolizes the power, beauty, and danger of the natural world—as well as Cole’s changing relationship to the natural world.

What is the climax of Touching Spirit Bear?

The climax occurs when Cole is mauled by a bear. This is the point in a story when the conflict reaches critical level. Things seem to be at their worst. Cole is pushed to his limits.

What is the setting in Touching Spirit Bear?

The setting takes place on an isolated island called Ketchikan, Alaska, close to Drake. The setting is important to the events in the story because if Cole hadn’t gone to the island, he wouldn’t have been able to tame his anger or make things right with him and Peter.

What is the theme of Touching Spirit Bear?

Major themes such as violence, personal transformation, and isolation show up in the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. The story follows a young man named Cole Matthews who is subjected to physical abuse at home by his father, which results in him lashing out at others.

What lessons did Cole learn in Touching Spirit Bear?

Lesson Summary Through suffering, loneliness, and the power of rituals, he learns how his anger has contributed to his violent behavior. Cole learns to control that anger, and in doing so, he learns how to take responsibility for his actions and care for others.

What is the main conflict in Touching Spirit Bear?

Hover for more information. The primary conflict in Ben Mikaelsen’s Touching Spirit Bear is primarily an internal one. Cole Matthews is an angry young man. He grew up in a dysfunctional family; his mother is weak and timid and his father is aggressive and cruel.

What does a spirit bear symbolize?

Bear Celtic symbolism During our sleep, the bear spirit guide, also known as the Great Mother, nourishes us. It is also a symbol of strength and power, but also of the divine.

What is the legend of the spirit bear?

According to native legends, spirit bears could swim deep underwater and lead people to magical places. Legend also has it that Raven, the Creator, made every tenth black bear on one island white as a reminder of the last ice age, which was 10,000 years ago.

How do you know your spirit animal?

A few techniques for discovering your spirit animal:

  1. Pay attention to your dreams. Our dreams are intimately connected to our waking lives, so every time you see an animal in yours, write it down the next morning.
  2. Think about your past connections to certain animals.
  3. Journal about the animals that you feel drawn to.

Are spirit bears rare?

Spirit bears are rare white-coated black bears (Ursus americanus kermodei) that live in the coastal temperate rainforests of Northwest British Columbia. Their striking colour is caused by an uncommon recessive genetic trait.

What is the most dangerous bear?


Is there a Touching Spirit Bear movie?

A movie based on the novel “Touching Spirit Bear” is in production, but doesn’t have an official release date yet. Another important location in the book is the school yard.

Is the spirit bear endangered?

The entire subspecies—which can range in color from black to white—adds up to at least four times that number. The Kermode stands out as an icon for a rare and endangered ecosystem.

What kind of bears are white?

Spirit bears aka Kermode bears (Ursus americanus kermodei) are a subspecies of the North American black bear with a rare recessive gene that makes their fur white or cream.

Is a white grizzly a spirit bear?

While most Kermode bears are black, between 100 and 500 fully white individuals exist. The white variant is known as spirit bear, and is most common on three islands in British Columbia (Gribbell, Princess Royal, and Roderick), where they make up 10–20% of the Kermode population.

What is the rarest animal in the world?


What animals will be extinct by 2020?

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