
Why do Edwin and Garvey tell Cole that in the morning they are taking him back to Minnesota?

Why do Edwin and Garvey tell Cole that in the morning they are taking him back to Minnesota?

Why do Edwin and Garvey tell Cole that in the morning they are taking him back to Minnesota? He tried to steal the boat and escape. He would not build his cabin by himself. Cole’s attitude and anger came back.

What does Cole say he would do to Spirit Bear What does Edwin tell him?

What does Cole say he would do to Spirit Bear? What does Edwin tell him? He says he would kill it. Edwin says that whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself.

What did Edwin and Garvey tell Cole when they came to see him back at the detention center?

Over several weeks the Circle keeps meeting without Cole, and at the end of the chapter, Edwin and Garvey declare that they have secured Cole’s custody to return him to the island and try again for the process of healing. Cole returns to Southeast Alaska.

What must Cole do now that he is back on the island?

When Cole is back on the island, he has to do everything himself—including building the shelter and cooking every night for Edwin and Garvey while they watch on.

What creates a spirit of calm for Cole when bad memories upset him?

Q. What creates a spirit of calm for Cole when bad memories upset him? Soaking in a very cold bath to stimulate the pond helps to calm Cole. Remembering the sparrows and the gentle eyes of Spirit Bear helps to calm Cole.

What does Cole think is the reason the Spirit Bear has stopped appearing?

What does cole think is the reason the spirit bear has stopped appearing? Cole believes that the Spirit Bear has found a cave in which to hibernate for the winter. Although cole keepers busy with chores and schoolwork, he still has a lot of time to think.

When Cole states that he is not afraid to die does Edwin believe him?

When Cole state that he is not afraid to die, does Edwin believe him? Edwin does not believe him. He tells Cole that he will be afraid if death looks him in the face. Edwin asks Cole how he would feel if a bear would make its den beside the stream.

What does the Spirit Bear do when Cole charges him?

The Spirit Bear crushes Cole the way Cole did Peter. The bear slams him and shows no mercy to Cole.

Who does Cole argue with at the circle?

Chapters 6-8, pp. 47-73, Study Guide Questions

Question Answer
1. Who does Cole argue with at the Circle? his father
3. What does Peter feel will make things better? smashing Cole\’s head
4. When will the tide come in? midday
5. Who does Cole blame for his banishment on the island? garvey

How does Cole make the last meal special for Edwin and Garvey?

Because it’s his last dinner with Edwin and Garvey, Cole makes a super fancy meal of spaghetti and biscuits. He even sets up a candle like they’re at a fancy restaurant. Then he brings out Snickers bars for dessert and Cole suggests that they do the Spirit Bear dance since he saw something big and white in the trees.

How does Cole make himself invisible?

Cole keeps on carving the eagle and after he finished he decided to add a wolf to the totem. His interaction and realization of how amazing beavers are made him carve a beaver’s head too. He tries to make himself invisible by trying to conceal his scent using ash and cedar.

What does Cole finally realize about being invisible?

To Become Invisible Cole realizes that he can only be invisible if he clears his mind. He realizes that the beaver and fish only came close to him because his mind was clear.

What does Cole discover invisible really means?

Cole learns that invisibility on the island does not mean going without being seen. It means not being sensed or heard. In this way, Cole and Peter are able to encounter the Spirit Bear again.

What is Cole’s routine for healing while he is on the island?

What is Cole’s routine for “healing” while he is on the island? Each day he soaks, carries his ancestor rock, completes assignments and improves his cabin area.

What does Cole do to try to sustain himself in Chapters 10 11?

He looks out and sees that two of the sparrows from the tree have died. Cole makes the firm decision to live at this point, and attempts to try to feed himself with the grass around him. He also resorts to eating worms from the ground for sustenance.

Does Edwin believe Cole will be okay when what happens?

He feels sad, scared, and feels like he deserved it. Cole is near-death from his injuries, exposure, and lack of food and water. Who helps saves his life? Edwin believes Cole will be okay when he finds a reason to live.

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