
What is an example of identity vs role confusion?

What is an example of identity vs role confusion?

During the stage of identity versus role confusion, parents and teachers alike may face adolescents who are exerting more independence through defiant or rebellious actions and testing limits and boundaries such as purposely exceeding curfews, failing to complete homework or chores, or dressing or acting in a way a …

What distinction can be made between the preoperational stage of development and the concrete operational stage?

While kids in the preoperational stage of development tend to focus on just one aspect of a situation or problem, those in the concrete operational stage are able to engage in what is known as “decentration.” They are able to concentrate on many aspects of a situation at the same time, which plays a critical role in …

How would you show your understanding of how critical it is to get to know the lives of your students living in poverty?

How would you show your understanding of how critical it is to get to know the lives of your students living in poverty? By really listening to your students as they talk with their peers before class, in the hallways, and in the cafeteria to develop a common interest.

What is the difference between Western and Eastern society?

The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west.

What does Western education mean?

Western education is a system originated from the west and penetrated to the world after Islamic education in the earliest 15th century. Its main approach was the modernization of social life through science and technological advancement (Farid, 2005).

WHO recommended the Western system of education in India?

Lord Macaulay

Who is the father of education in India?

How do you think the Western system of education has helped India?

Western education helped the british becauseThey got workers and educated people required for management and developing and were sent abroadit helped the indians asthey taught them about freedom ,equality ,fraternity ,etc and thus were born the revolutionaries of india that helped in bringing india to freedom.

What are the effects of Western education?

Following are the effects of Western education on India: The indigenous methods of education and learning gradually became extinct. There arose a class of English-speaking Indian graduates who became pivotal in the running of the British Empire in India. These graduates worked on low salaries as clerks of the Raj.

What are the impact of Western education?

Educated Indians read about the American and the French revolution and filled the hearts of the Indians with the ideas of liberty, equality and justice. Ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau inspired the people to strive for political and social freedom.

How did the spread of Western education led to the rise of nationalism in India?

The Britishers provided western education in India which introduced the Indians to ideas of democracy and nationalism. These ideas changed the political thinking of Indians and brought about a national awakening. The western education opened to the newly educated Indians the floodgates of liberal European thought.

What were the positive and negative effects of Western education?

Following are the positive effects of Western education: The imparting of liberal modern education gave rise to an awareness against foreign rule of the British. The ideas of liberty, fraternity and democracy began to gain currency among Indians.

Who was in Favour of Western education?

E. The 1854 Despatch on education was in favour of English being introduced as a medium of higher education in India. James Mill was a severe critic of the Orientalists….Civilising the Native: Educating The Nation.

A. William Jones (i) promotion of English education
C. Thomas Macaulay (iii) Macaulay gurus

How did the Western Education change the attitude towards education in India?

Answer: The British completely changed education in India. The traditional educational system in which students learnt various subjects in temples, mosques and gurukuls was replaced by a system of schools and universities based on the system in the West.

What were the merits and demerits of introducing Western education in India?

What are the merits and demerits of western education? (in points)

  • 1.It broadened up the minds of the people and made them think rationally instead of blindly supporting orthodox norms, values and superstitious beliefs.
  • 2.It introduced people to the new ideas and innovations which widened the periphery of learning.

What was the role of Western thinking and education in the development of national consciousness?

Those English-educated youngmen addressed themselves to various problems that beset the Indian society. Their propaganda for freedom of thought and rational thinking helped to create a consciousness about the various problems of the country and thereby paved the way for the growth of national sentiments.

How did Western thought and education help in the promotion of nationalism?

Explanation: The western education was introduced in the wake of British rule in India. Through Western education, again the Indians became familiar with the ideas of democracy and nationalism; it was in this process that the seeds of nationalism were sown amongst the Indian people.

How did Lord Hardinge boost the English education?

In 1844, Lord Hardinge decided to give govt, employment to Indians educated in English Schools. The success was thus assured (of English education). It made good progress in the 3 presidencies of Bengals Bombay and Madras where the number of schools and colleges increased.

Who laid stress on western education in India?


Who did Maximum work to spread Western education in India?

1813 Act & the Education 1. Charles Grant and William Wilberforce, who was missionary activists, compelled the East India Company to give up its non-invention policy and make way for spreading education through English in order to teach western literature and preach Christianity.

Which was the first school in India by British?

St.Johns Vestry Anglo Indian School

What did Britishers want to teach Indians?

Answer. they felt the need for educated Indians at some level to run the country. And they strongly felt the need for India who could be employed as clerks and to help the British to deal with the locals. The British government wanted the education system to be useful to the needs of the colonial empire.

What arguments are given in Favour of Western education in India?

He argued that the aim of education should be to teach what was useful and practical. He was in favour of making the Indians familiar with the scientific and technical advances that the West had made. Thomas Babington Macaulay was another prominent critic of Orientalism.

What is the main resolution or order of Bentinck?

9. The main resolutions of Bentinck policy are in the followings: English to become the medium of instruction in Indian education. A total ban in investment of any fund on printing of oriental works.

What are the main recommendations of Macaulay’s minutes?

Answer: 1. That the great object of the British Government ought to be the promotion of European literature and Science amongst the natives of India that “all funds appropriated for the purpose of education would be best employed on English education alone”. 2.

Why was English Education Act passed class 8?

British wanted to establish their cultural domination with spread of English language. Thus , English education Act 1835 was passed which provided for: The decision was taken to make English as the medium for higher education. ii. to stop the promotion of oriental institutions.

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