
What was Athens government?

What was Athens government?

Athens in the 5th to 4th century BCE had an extraordinary system of government: democracy. Under this system, all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.

What forms of government did Athens try?

The first known democracy in the world was in Athens. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.E. The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government.

What type of government did Athens have quizlet?

Terms in this set (48) Athens’ government is a democracy, which means citizens have the power. Sparta’s government was an Obligarchy, which means it was in the hands of a few. Athenians liked to trade.

Was Athens a monarchy?

Monarchy. The city-states in Greece were established some time around the 9th century BC. From around the 9th into the 8th centuries, a king, or “basileus,” ruled the city-state with a group of nobles under him. However, the Athenian monarchy did not last very long.

Who is the king of Athens?


What was Athens before it was a democracy?

Development. Athens was never the only polis in Ancient Greece that instituted a democratic regime. Before the first attempt at democratic government, Athens was ruled by a series of archons or chief magistrates, and the Areopagus, made up of ex-archons. The members of these institutions were generally aristocrats.

Why was Athens called a democracy?

Athens was called a democracy because every citizen could take part in the city’s government. Laws had to be approved by the assembly. Every citizen was part of the assembly, which debated and voted on all laws.

Why was Athens not a full democracy?

Athens was not a full democracy because most people were not considered citizens and, therefore, could not vote.

What are the similarities and differences between ancient Athenian democracy and modern US democracy?

Similarities between US and Athens are that US and Athens have a democracy. They both allow men to vote. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy. In Athens only men that owned property are allowed to vote.

What was a limitation placed on Athenian democracy?

Athenian democracy was limited because only a certain group of people could make decisions. In order to be part of the legislature, you had to be a male landholding citizen. Despite this, Athens is still admired as an early model of democracy because they were the creators of it. Most empires used a monarchy to rule.

What are the 3 pillars of Athenian democracy?

The democratic government of Athens rested on three main institutions, and a few others of lesser importance. The three pillars of democracy were: the Assembly of the Demos, the Council of 500, and the People’s Court. These were supplemented by the Council of the Areopagus, the Archons, and the Generals.

When did Athenian democracy end?

404 BC

What problems led to the birth of Athenian democracy?

What problems led to the birth of Athenian democracy? Put the events of the Greek war with Persia in chronological order. As a result of Solon’s reforms, all Athenian men over the age of eighteen could hold political office.

What was the first democratic country?

The term democracy first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought in the city-state of Athens during classical antiquity. The word comes from demos ‘(common) people’ and kratos ‘strength’. Led by Cleisthenes, Athenians established what is generally held as the first democracy in 508–507 BC.

What was a limitation placed on Athenian democracy Brainly?

Immigrants were not allowed to participate in government. Only members of the aristocracy could participate in government.

How did the geography of ancient Greece affect the political organization?

How did the geography of ancient Greece affect its political organization? The seas helped communities to unite and form a single empire. The islands were exposed to invaders and caused cities to unite. The peninsulas encouraged expansion and led to regional governments.

What best describes direct democracy Brainly?

Explanation: In direct democracy, citizens are directly responsible for policies. This is as opposed to representative democracy, in which citizens vote for representatives to decide on policies.

Who would be considered a citizen in ancient Athens Brainly?

Answer Expert Verified In ancient Athens the citizens were : men (women were not considered citizens) who were native to the city (and whose paresnts and grandparents were native too) and who had served in the army. Slaves, including freed slaves and foreigners were not citizens.

Who was allowed to participate in the government of ancient Athens Brainly?

All men, All Greeks, All citizens, All Athenians.

Who would be considered a citizen in ancient Athens any adult who had not been exiled from the city a man who had been born in Athens to immigrants an adult who had been born to citizens any person born in the city to citizens of Athens?

Answer: Not everyone in Athens was considered a citizen. Only free, adult men enjoyed the rights and responsibility of citizenship. Only about 20 percent of the population of Athens were citizens.

Who was considered an Athenian citizen?

Citizens. To be classed as a citizen in fifth-century Athens you had to be male, born from two Athenian parents, over eighteen years old, and complete your military service. Women, slaves, metics and children under the age of 20 were not allowed to become citizens.

What did ancient Athens focus on?

Athens focused more on culture, while Sparta focused more on war. The oligarchy structure in Sparta enabled it to keep war as a top priority. The Athenian democratic government gave the citizens in Greece more freedom.

What role did citizens play in Athens?

Male citizens in Athens could vote on all the decisions that affected the city and serve on juries. However, democracy was not open to everyone. Citizen women and children were not allowed to vote. Slaves and foreigners living in Athens (known as metics) were banned from participating in government.

How did someone become enrolled as a citizen in Athens?

Someone became enrolled as a citizen in Athens by both parents being a citizen who have to be eighteen and yourself has to be male. years from a city by popular vote. The purpose was to get certain people out of the political arena.

What was Athens famous for?

Athens was the largest and most influential of the Greek city-states. It had many fine buildings and was named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. The Athenians invented democracy, a new type of government where every citizen could vote on important issues, such as whether or not to declare war.

How does Pericles describe Athenian democracy?

Pericles describes Athenian democracy as a system of government where men advance on merit rather than on class or wealth. In a democracy, “class considerations [are not] allowed to interfere with merit” – any man capable enough to rule is allowed to do so.

What did Pericles do for democracy?

He started an ambitious project that generated most of the surviving structures on the Acropolis, including the Parthenon. This project beautified and protected the city, exhibited its glory and gave work to its people. Pericles also fostered Athenian democracy to such an extent that critics call him a populist.

What is the reason Pericles says Athens way of life is worth fighting for?

In his speech, Pericles states that he had been emphasising the greatness of Athens in order to convey that the citizens of Athens must continue to support the war, to show them that what they were fighting for was of the utmost importance.

What in Pericles estimation are the benefits of democracy?

According to Pericles’ estimation, there are many benefits of democracy. Pericles funeral speech shows the power and value of Athens compared to its opponents. This correlates with the idea that everyone living under a democratic government has an equal chance. This is beneficial to the people of Athens.

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