
What are extensions in a lesson plan?

What are extensions in a lesson plan?

An extension task is further activity around the aims of a class but after it, often as homework. Extension tasks can provide more, or different, forms of practice. They can also make classroom learning more meaningful, as they give learners a chance to personalise language and content.

What are the extension activities?

An extension activity is an activity that extends the learning of the lesson. Extension activities can be done in small groups or by a single student. For struggling students these activities can be a reinforcing skill activities.

How do you motivate high achievers in school?

Challenge Your Top Students

  1. Allow Choice. Try to offer more than one way for your students to show what they know and understand.
  2. Integrate Technology.
  3. Let Kids Work Together.
  4. Accommodate Pace.
  5. Determine Prior Knowledge.
  6. Encourage Goal Setting.
  7. Teach Creatively.
  8. Ok Independent Learning Projects.

What are the different types of differentiation?

There are several different factors that can differentiate a product, however, there are three main categories of product differentiation. Those include horizontal differentiation, vertical differentiation, and mixed differentiation.

Why is differentiated learning?

Differentiated instruction allows us to give students the support they need instead of lumping them together in one big group. Smaller groups make it easier to see who has mastered the lesson goals and has acquired the skills to move on. Larger class sizes make it more difficult to zero in on individual student needs.

What is scaffolding in teaching?

Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks and providing a tool, or structure, with each chunk. When scaffolding reading, for example, you might preview the text and discuss key vocabulary, or chunk the text and then read and discuss as you go.

What are examples of scaffolding?

Examples of scaffolding in education

  • Build on prior knowledge. Let’s say you’re introducing your students to long division.
  • Present the problem and think out loud.
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • Encourage participation.
  • Check understanding again.
  • Ensure students can demonstrate knowledge.

How do you scaffold children’s learning?

When using scaffolding with young children, a teacher will provide students with support and guidance while the students are learning something new and age-appropriate or just slightly above what a student can do themself. Ask probing questions: This encourages a child to come up with an answer independently.

What is Vygotsky scaffolding?

Instructional scaffolding, also known as “Vygotsky scaffolding” or just “scaffolding,” is a teaching method that helps students learn more by working with a teacher or a more advanced student to achieve their learning goals.

What is scaffolding in childcare?

Scaffolding is a term that was first coined by Vygotsky (1978) who described the process as something that allows children to move their current level of understandings to a more advanced one. This process helps children to undertake activities that they usually would not be able to without the help of others.

Why is scaffolding children’s learning important?

This is where scaffolding comes in, as it allows children to solve a problem or carry out a task that is beyond their current abilities. With the right amount of assistance from you, as well as their previously mastered skills, children can perform new activities and gain new skills.

What is scaffolding in language?

“Scaffolding refers to providing contextual supports for meaning through the use of simplified language, teacher modeling, visuals and graphics, cooperative learning and hands-on learning” (Ovando, Collier, & Combs, 2003, p. 345). The teacher of second language learners has to facilitate that support.

How do you scaffold children’s mathematical development?

Asking questions, putting students in groups and using reading strategies can provide a scaffold. Ask questions: Asking questions isn’t only a scaffolding technique, you probably also do it during math talk. Good questions get students to analyze concepts you presented and think about how they come to an answer.

Why should we scaffold children’s mathematical development?

Mathematical development is extremely important to children’s learning as it is an essential skill, frequently used in everyday life. It helps children to acquire thinking strategies that will help them to solve problems which will then allow them to learn and further develop in other areas.

What is scaffolding in teaching mathematics?

The purpose of Scaffolding Instruction is to provide students who have learning problems a teacher supported transition from primarily seeing and hearing the teacher demonstrate & model a particular math concept/skill to performing the skill independently.

How do you support a child’s mathematical development?

Here are a few ways practitioners can help develop children’s mathematical skills

  1. When playing in the role play encourage children to count the items of play in their shopping baskets.
  2. Encourage children to Count pieces of fruit in their bowl during snack.
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