
What are the best comebacks ever?

What are the best comebacks ever?

Good Comebacks

  • You’re the reason God created the middle finger.
  • Your secrets are always safe with me.
  • You bring everyone so much joy when you leave the room.
  • I may love to shop but I will never buy your bull.
  • I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one.
  • Someday you’ll go far.

What is a good comeback when someone says shut up?

Vote for the best comeback when you’re told to shut up I’m sorry but I didn’t order a glass of your opinion. Cool story bro. In what chapter do YOU shut up? That’s right, you can’t shut your mouth.

How do you diss someone?

Sometimes, the most effective diss can be to say nothing at all. Freezing someone out of social situations can be effective if you’ve already got lots of friends. Pretend you’re talking about the person until they come up to you and then completely ignore everything they say. Don’t look at or speak to the person.

How do you come up with good comebacks?

To make a good humorous comeback, you need to respond directly to what the other person said to you….Decide on an approach.

  1. Make a funny comeback to make her feel foolish.
  2. Make an earnest comeback aimed at stopping the behavior.
  3. Try to have a conversation with her to try to get at the root of the problem.

What to say when someone says nobody asked?

  1. No, but maybe you SHOULD have.
  2. No, but this is more stupid than anything I might have said.
  3. No, you didn’t. What’s your point?
  4. You didn’t ask me? Then why are you still talking?
  5. You don’t want my opinion? Good luck. See ya! ( Walk away)
  6. Pleeeeeease. You need all the help you can get!

What to say when someone calls you fat?

Here’s a list of 23 good comebacks for the next time a stranger thinks it’s acceptable to call you fat.

  1. “My body is not your business.”
  2. “So I’m fat. What’s the problem?”
  3. “I may be fat, but at least I’m not rude.”
  4. “Sorry, but I’m already in a relationship.”
  5. “Please, please.
  6. “I could lose weight if I wanted to.

What if your boyfriend calls you fat?

Even if your weight isn’t an issue, when a boyfriend calls you fat, they are messaging to you that – in their eyes – you’re not good enough. Communication works between them, so for him to suggest a wager for her to lose a bit of weight is totally okay.

What to say when someone calls you cute?

5 ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute: When it’s a crush

  1. 01“You must be looking at a mirror.”
  2. 02“Coming from you, that means a lot.”
  3. 03“I guess hanging out with you rubbed off on me.”
  4. 04“Sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else.
  5. 05“I guess that makes two of us!
  6. 06“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

How can I lose weight fast?

Here are 9 more tips to lose weight faster:

  1. Eat a high protein breakfast.
  2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.
  3. Drink water before meals.
  4. Choose weight-loss-friendly foods.
  5. Eat soluble fiber.
  6. Drink coffee or tea.
  7. Base your diet on whole foods.
  8. Eat slowly.

Can I Lose 20 lbs in 3 months?

Losing 20 pounds in three months is an ideal goal. That means losing a little more than 1.5 pounds per week. According to the CDC, losing 1 to 2 pounds a week gives you the best weight-loss results in the long-term.৮ মে, ২০১৯

Can I lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks?

Yes, you can lose weight in six weeks — and keep it off — if you set your mind to it. To lose between 20 and 30 pounds in six weeks, for example, you’d need to lose between 3 and 5 pounds per week, which far exceeds the healthy weight-loss rate recommended by the CDC and other expert sources.৯ ফেব, ২০২১

Can I get in shape in 6 weeks?

And if you exercise regularly, over time you will gain even more fitness benefits. “At 6 to 8 weeks, you can definitely notice some changes,” said Logie, “and in 3 to 4 months you can do a pretty good overhaul to your health and fitness.” Strength-specific results take about the same amount of time.

Can I lose 18 pounds in 6 weeks?

To lose 1 pound of fat (not muscle or water), you need a 3,500 calorie deficit. That would mean to lose 3 pounds of fat per week (for a total of 18 pounds in six weeks), you would need a 10,500 calorie weekly deficit or a 1,500 calorie daily deficit.৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৯

How can I lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks?

Here are five simple food swaps that can help you lose more than 10 pounds in the next six weeks — really!…Lose more than 10 pounds in six weeks

  1. Stick to one serving of cereal.
  2. Skip your late-night snack.
  3. Scratch the butter/margarine.
  4. Lose the mayo and cheese on your sandwich.
  5. Delete the extras.

What is a reasonable amount of weight to lose in a month?

So what is the magic number to lose weight and keep it off? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , it’s 1 to 2 pounds per week. That means, on average, that aiming for 4 to 8 pounds of weight loss per month is a healthy goal.

How can I lose 2 lbs per week?

Generally to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day, through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity. Depending on your weight, 5% of your current weight may be a realistic goal, at least for an initial goal.১৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

Is it safe to eat 1200 calories a day?

A 1,200-calorie diet is much too low for most people and can result in negative side effects like dizziness, extreme hunger, nausea, micronutrient deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, and gallstones ( 23 ). Furthermore, a 1,200-calorie diet can set you up for failure if long-term weight loss is your goal.১১ জুন, ২০২০

How much weight can you lose in a week with intermittent fasting?

When examining the rate of weight loss, intermittent fasting may produce weight loss at a rate of approximately 0.55 to 1.65 pounds (0.25–0.75 kg) per week (23). People also experienced a 4–7% reduction in waist circumference, indicating that they lost belly fat.২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২০

How much can I lose in 2 weeks?

Decreasing your overall calories by 500 to 1,000 calories per day will turn into a weight loss rate of one to two pounds a week. Focus on nutrition, not calories. But you should keep in mind that nutritious, fresh foods are healthier than processed “diet” foods.

How much weight will I lose if I exercise 1 hour a day?

Walking 1 hour each day can help you burn calories and, in turn, lose weight. In one study, 11 moderate-weight women lost an average of 17 pounds (7.7 kg), or 10% of their initial body weight, after 6 months of brisk daily walking ( 3 ).২৫ মে, ২০২০

Can you drink water while starving yourself?

Will drinking water during the fast help? It’s important that you drink plenty of water — more than your usual eight glasses — during a 24-hour fast. You won’t be ingesting any water from food during this time, and your body needs water to function.

Does starving cause weight gain?

Starvation mode is real, but it’s not as powerful as some people think. It can slow weight loss over time, but it won’t cause you to gain weight despite restricting calories. It’s also not an “on and off” phenomenon. |Rather, it’s an entire spectrum of your body adapting to either increased or decreased calorie intake.২ অক্টোবর, ২০১৯

Category: Uncategorized

What are the best comebacks ever?

What are the best comebacks ever?

Good Comebacks

  • You’re the reason God created the middle finger.
  • Your secrets are always safe with me.
  • You bring everyone so much joy when you leave the room.
  • I may love to shop but I will never buy your bull.
  • I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one.
  • Someday you’ll go far.

How do you come up with good comebacks?

To make a good humorous comeback, you need to respond directly to what the other person said to you….Decide on an approach.

  1. Make a funny comeback to make her feel foolish.
  2. Make an earnest comeback aimed at stopping the behavior.
  3. Try to have a conversation with her to try to get at the root of the problem.

What is a good comeback if someone says shut up?

Vote for the best comeback when you’re told to shut up I’m sorry but I didn’t order a glass of your opinion. Cool story bro. In what chapter do YOU shut up? That’s right, you can’t shut your mouth.

How do you give a savage reply?

Funny Responses to Rude Comments

  1. Sorry fella, I don’t have the energy to pretend to like you today.
  2. Umm…pardon me, I wasn’t listening.
  3. Ok.
  4. That sounds weird coming from you.
  5. Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I’m around?
  6. Whatever you say, hefe.
  7. Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying.

What are rude things to say?

10 Things People Always Say That Are Actually Rude AF

  • “You’re actually cute for a (enter race here) person.”
  • “Aren’t you tired of being alone?”
  • “You’re actually going to eat all of that?”
  • “You’re skinny.”
  • “Are you sick?”
  • “Maybe you’re looking in the wrong places.”
  • “Have you seen (enter ex’s name) around?”
  • “You’re wearing that?”

What do you say to a rude comment?

9 Comebacks for Dealing with Rude People

  • Thank you.
  • I appreciate your perspective.
  • This conversation is now over.
  • Why do you feel that was necessary, and do you really expect me to answer?
  • That almost hurt my feelings.
  • You’re right.
  • You always have something negative to say, don’t you?
  • I love myself, and I love you, too.

What are rude comments?

My definition of rude comments is those responses that doesn’t fit into normal society. They can be irrelevant, inappropriate, detrimental or just downright annoying. They are not written with a kindly disposition, but usually in contempt, with an aim to cause havoc or upset.

What do you say to a rude customer?

Strategies for Handling Rude Customers

  • Stay Calm, Don’t React. The first thing to do is to remain calm and not respond in kind.
  • Don’t Take It Personally. Chances are, your customer is angry about a bad product or service, and you’re just the unfortunate target for their frustration.
  • Listen and, If Appropriate, Apologize.

How do you handle snarky comments?

Commit to making it a good day, even when your co-worker is rude. Or decide that you aren’t going to let your supervisor’s snide remarks affect your self-worth. Reframe your upsetting thoughts, take deep breaths to stay calm, and walk away from the situation when it’s warranted.

How do you shut up a rude person?

5 Ways to Shut down Rude People Who Don’t Know When to Stop

  1. Ignore, instead of dignifying it with an answer. If you don’t want to respond to the comment made by a rude person, you can just laugh it off.
  2. Speak their language and shut them down.
  3. Confuse them with sarcasm.
  4. Kill them with kindness.
  5. Call out their behavior.

How do I stop snide remarks?

Condescension in the Ranks: How to Handle Snide Remarks at Work


How do I ignore bad comments?

How to Handle Negative Comments

  1. Walk Away. Whatever you do, do not respond to negative comments immediately.
  2. Don’t Ignore the Comments. While it may be tempting to simply ignore the negative comments, this is not the wisest route.
  3. Climb into Your Reader’s Shoes.
  4. Keep Your Ego in Check.
  5. Own Up to Your Error.
  6. Be Positive.
  7. Agree to Disagree.

How do you politely ignore someone?

Use a polite excuse to cut the conversation short. Say things like, “I’m doing good, but I better get back to work now,” or, “I’m meeting someone for lunch in a few minutes.” Be polite but firm when you tell them you have to go. Saying something rude or passive-aggressive will only make things worse.

How do you deal with mean comments?

Respond (Stand up for Yourself):

  1. Call them on it. Tell them that you find their comment inappropriate.
  2. Set the facts straight. Take each of their points and respond clearly and factually.
  3. Let them know the impact of their behaviour. Tell them how their comments affected you.

What is a snarky comment?

The definition of snarky is someone who is cranky, snide or sarcastic. Saying “nice haircut” in a sarcastic and snide way is an example of a comment that would be described as snarky.

How do you respond to an insult?

  1. 5 Effective Ways to Respond to Backhanded Compliments. This is how to reply when someone offers an insult disguised as a compliment.
  2. Ignore it. Staying silent doesn’t mean you’re letting yourself get pushed around.
  3. Say, “Thank you.”
  4. Acknowledge the positive portion.
  5. Address the insult head-on.
  6. Keep your sense of humor.

How do you deal with hurtful comments?

Set a timer to stew. Rather than dwelling on the hurtful words others say to you, give yourself a deadline to stew them over. Feel the hurt for a designated amount of time. Then, choose to let them go. For example, you might usually spend hours or even days mulling over these comments.

How do you make words not hurt you?


  1. It usually isn’t about you. Hurt people hurt people (as a friend of mine use to say).
  2. Words mean different things to each of us.
  3. Words can’t hurt you without your permission.
  4. Allow yourself to feel your reaction.
  5. Notice the wound inside.
  6. Speak your truth.
  7. Put both wounds on the dissection table.
  8. Practice more daily self-love.

What to say to someone that has hurt you?

If you’ve found yourself struggling with this issue, here are seven tips for telling someone you’re hurting.

  • Choose Your Words Carefully.
  • Be Prepared For All Outcomes.
  • Write A Letter — But Don’t Always Send It.
  • Use “I Feel” Statements.
  • Express Positives With Your Negatives.
  • Be Specific.

How do you heal from hurtful words?

4 Steps to Healing Hurtful Words From Your Spouse

  1. Hold your response. It is too easy to fire back when your spouse says something hurtful to you.
  2. Revisit the comment in a time of non-conflict.
  3. Find out what was behind the hurtful words.
  4. Be open to more hurt.

What hurtful words can do?

Hurtful words can have a negative impact and begin to affect intimacy. The residual effects of the harsh and aggressive words begin to cause more anger and disconnect in the relationship.

What are some hurtful words to say?

Common Words We Use That Hurt Others

  • “Gay” This word doesn’t mean ‘happy’ anymore.
  • “Retarded”
  • “It was just a joke”
  • “Never mind, you don’t get it”
  • “This makes me want to kill myself”
  • “I feel so bipolar today”
  • “You’re adopted”
  • “You_____like a girl”

Why does my husband say hurtful things to me?

Why does my husband say things to hurt me? Perhaps it’s because he is hurting himself. He may resent some of the things you do and it comes forth in hurtful words during a fight. He wants your attention so he is doing this or he might he just mean.

Why do I say hurtful things when I’m angry?

It’s ok to be angry it’s a normal human emotion but we can hurt others by projecting our anger onto them and hurting them in many ways including saying hurtful things. Often this is because we have been suppressing our anger towards someone without letting it out in a healthy way.

Why do I say hurtful things?

A lot of hurtful communication occurs because the person speaking doesn’t quite realize he or she IS upset. Remind yourself that hurting someone you love is going to cause YOU pain. Develop a phrase to use in emotional situations For example: Use that phrase during the period of time when you want to strike out.

How do you stop yourself from saying something you regret?

How to avoid saying something you may regret later

  1. Humour helps.
  2. Count till ten.
  3. Leave the conversation.
  4. Do not initiate to break the silence.
  5. Share information only with appropriate audience.
  6. Don’t rant about negative things.
  7. Respect, respect, and respect.

Do we speak truth in anger?

Anger gives you the power to talk about your hurt while you are hurting. Allow anger to absorb you for as long as it takes to resolve your hurt. When you are angry, do not be distracted by worrying about the feelings of others; their response to your anger is an opportunity for them to love you.

Is getting angry a sign of lying?

Neuroscientists have shown our conscious mind provides 5% or less of our cognitive function, including communication. The other 95% occurs without our awareness. Therefore, their guilt of lying comes out in their lie as anger.

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