
How do you respond to sorry in Chinese?

How do you respond to sorry in Chinese?

没关系 (méi guān xi) — “It’s Okay” This is the most common response to an apology in Chinese and translates as “it’s okay.” It literally means “don’t lose face” and is most commonly paired with 对不起.

How do you say sorry in a flirty way?

10 Texts to Say I’m Sorry in a Cute Way When You Mess Up!

  1. I messed up I know, I’m really sorry, but it’s your fault I’m crazy about you!
  2. Before I say I’m sorry, before we argue over what I did, I just want you to know that when we first met I never imagined you’d mean this much to me, like you’d become the only I really care about!

What is sorry in Cantonese?

The Two Most Common Phrases. The two most common Cantonese phrases for saying sorry are 對唔住 (deoi3 m4 zyu6) and 唔好意思 (m4 ho2 ji3 si3). When learning how to say sorry in Cantonese, these words and phrases may just be your saving grace in various situations.

How do you politely say sorry?

Here are six other words for saying sorry.

  1. My Apologies. My apologies is another word for “I’m sorry.” It’s rather formal, so it’s fine for business contexts.
  2. Pardon/Pardon Me/I Beg Your Pardon. Pardon is a verb which means to allow as a courtesy.
  3. Excuse Me.
  4. Mea Culpa.
  5. Oops/Whoops.
  6. My Bad.

What can I say instead of Im sorry?

The following are some of the phrases and words you can use instead of Sorry to prove your point.

  • Say Thank You.
  • Actions Speak Louder than Words.
  • Replace “I am Sorry” with “I Desire”
  • Apologize Without Using the Word Sorry.
  • A Simply Sorry is Nothing Without Any Sympathy.
  • Do Not Apologize for Bothering People.

What do you say to apologize?

Elements of a Perfect Apology

  • Say you’re sorry. Not, “I’m sorry, but . . .”, just plain ol’ “I’m sorry.”
  • Own the mistake. It’s important to show the other person that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions.
  • Describe what happened.
  • Have a plan.
  • Admit you were wrong.
  • Ask for forgiveness.

How do I tell my client I made a mistake?

What to Tell Clients When You’ve Made a Mistake

  1. Prepare for the conversation. When a mistake happens, make sure you have all the information before contacting your client.
  2. Pick an appropriate medium.
  3. Keep it concise.
  4. Take responsibility.
  5. Focus on solutions.
  6. Don’t get defensive.
  7. Continue communicating.
  8. Learn from your mistakes.

What to do when you messed up really bad?

Don’t Panic! 5 Things To Do When You’ve Messed Up

  1. Apologize immediately. Saying “sorry” really is the best policy when it comes to committing a screw-up of any magnitude.
  2. Get some perspective and a reality check.
  3. Make sure it doesn’t happen again by crafting a plan.
  4. Take a break.
  5. Be kind to yourself.

How do I admit messed up?

Here’s what they did, and what you should do if you need to make a big public apology.

  1. Apologize. Don’t save the apology for later.
  2. Admit your mistake and take responsibility for it.
  3. Empathize with your customer.
  4. Explain in detail what went wrong.
  5. Show how you will prevent it from happening again.

How do you apologize to an upset customer?


  1. Say sorry and express sincere regret.
  2. Be specific about what happened.
  3. Validate and relate to the customer’s feelings.
  4. Show what steps your company will take to make sure the inconvenience won’t happen again.
  5. Give your customer your contact information for extra measure.

Why Saying sorry is important?

Apologies re-establish dignity for those you hurt. Letting the injured party know that you know it was your fault, not theirs, helps them feel better, and it helps them save face. Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes them feel comfortable with each other again.

What does saying sorry mean?

When you apologize, you’re telling someone that you’re sorry for the hurt you caused, even if you didn’t do it on purpose. People who are apologizing might also say that they will try to do better. They might promise to fix or replace what was broken or take back a mean thing they said.

Why is saying sorry bad?

A study published in the journal Frontiers of Psychology even found that saying “I’m sorry” when intentionally rejecting someone (i.e., cancelling plans, breaking up with someone) could cause the other person to “feel worse, or that they have to forgive the rejecter before they are ready,” says Gili Freedman, one of …

How do I stop saying I’m sorry?

5 Ways To Stop Saying Sorry Too Much

  1. Pause Before Apologising. Before saying sorry, stop and ask yourself this: “Have I actually done anything wrong here?”.
  2. Express Compassion Differently.
  3. Know Your Triggers.
  4. Phrase Questions Carefully.
  5. Turn Apologies Into Gratitude.
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