
What did Helen do in the Trojan War?

What did Helen do in the Trojan War?

Helen felt guilty about leaving her husband because of all the deaths she caused by starting the war. She no longer felt strongly about her new husband, Paris. Finally, Helen helped the Trojans by identifying Achaean kings and heroes by name, but that was the extent of her assistance.

What was Helen of Troy known for?

Known For: She was the most beautiful woman in the ancient Greek world, the daughter of the king of the Greek gods, and the cause of the 10-year Trojan War between Troy and Sparta.

Who killed Helen of Troy?

According to a variant of the story, Helen, in widowhood, was driven out by her stepsons and fled to Rhodes, where she was hanged by the Rhodian queen Polyxo in revenge for the death of her husband, Tlepolemus, in the Trojan War.

Why did Helen leave with Paris?

There was a problem with Aphrodite’s gift to Paris: Helen was already married with children. Helen did not resist, for Paris turned heads with his fine looks and fancy clothes, and Aphrodite filled her with desire for him. She forgot about her home and her family and agreed to run away with him.

Why does Hector kill Patroclus?

After leading the Greeks in battle against the Trojans, disguised in the armor of the great Greek hero Achilles, Patroclus is killed by the warrior Hector, fulfilling a prophecy made by the god Zeus. Enraged at the death of his dear friend Patroclus, Achilles is driven to seek vengeance.

Why is Achilles so angry with Hector?

Achilles, in his pride, refuses to fight against the Trojans; he’s been offended by the Greek leader, so he lets the army suffer and falter in order to prove a point. Hector, on the other hand, fights wholeheartedly; he wants to defend his country and his family, so he gives the battle his all.

Why did Achilles drag Hector’s body?

Following the funeral of Patroclus, Achilles’ grief makes him restless. He ties Hector’s body to his chariot and repeatedly drags it around the tomb of Patroclus, in his furious need for retribution. However the gods protect Hector’s body so that in spite of this cruel treatment it remains unblemished.

What does Achilles do to Hector’s body?

Near death, Hector pleads with Achilles to return his body to the Trojans for burial, but Achilles resolves to let the dogs and scavenger birds maul the Trojan hero. Achilles ties Hector’s body to the back of his chariot and drags it through the dirt.

What did Achilles do when Patroclus died?

The earlier steadfast and unbreakable Achilles agonizes, touching Patroclus’ dead body, smearing himself with ash and fasting. He laments Patroclus’ death using language very similar to that later used by Andromache of Hector. After defeating Hector, Achilles drags his corpse by the heels behind his chariot.

Who is better Hector or Achilles?

From Cicero’s framework, Hector was clearly the better man than Achilles. His actions in the Iliad are largely driven by what Cicero would see as morally good. He fights to keep his community intact, even if on the battlefield he, like all fighting men that Homer depicts, was not above brutality.

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