
What are examples of concrete and abstract nouns?

What are examples of concrete and abstract nouns?

Concrete and Abstract Noun Practice Answers

  • Concrete – You can see, smell, touch and taste a cobbler.
  • Abstract – Sadness is an emotion.
  • Abstract – Liberty is an idea or concept.
  • Concrete – You can touch, taste, see and smell butter.
  • Abstract – Intelligence is a concept.

What are some concrete nouns?

Concrete nouns are people, places, or things that we can experience with our five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell). For examples, in the sentence “She put the book on the table. “, the noun book is a concrete noun. You can touch it, see it, and maybe even smell it.

What is a abstract noun example?

More Examples Love, fear, anger, joy, excitement, and other emotions are abstract nouns. Courage, bravery, cowardice, and other such states are abstract nouns. Desire, creativity, uncertainty, and other innate feelings are abstract nouns. These are just a few examples of non-concrete words that are sensed.

What are 10 concrete nouns?

Examples of concrete nouns are like flower, music, bear, pie, tornado, ranch, colony, milk, Niagara Falls, team, lotion, stars, water, student, fire fighter, pencil, computer, incense, table, tree, fox, bang, cloud, panther, sunset, cinnamon, rain, cookies, car, etc.

Is Secret an abstract noun?

Secret: The word ‘secret’ means something that is kept confined or hidden. This word is an adjective as well as a noun. Though, this is a common noun and not an abstract noun.

Is curse an abstract noun?

Answer. Explanation: curse. 1(also cuss) [countable] a rude or offensive word or phrase that some people use when they are very angry synonym oath, swear word He muttered a curse at the other driver.

Is age an abstract noun?

Answer. I.e Age is abstract noun of Age.

Is family an abstract noun?

For example, “family” is a collective noun because it refers to more than one person sharing a relationship.

Is love an abstract noun?

Remember, abstract nouns identify something immaterial and abstract, which means we cannot see, taste, hear, touch, or smell it. For example, the word love is an abstract noun.

Is boy a concrete noun?

boys, pebbles, cattle – Concrete Noun.

Why love is an abstract noun?

Send them my love. [In this sentence, the word love functions as an abstract noun because it is a thing that exists beyond the five senses.]

Is Peaceful an abstract noun?

This question is based on abstract nouns. The abstract noun for the word ‘peaceful’ is ‘peace. ‘ ‘Peace’ is an abstract noun which refers to the state of being peaceful that is freedom from any kind of violence and war.

Is Loyal an abstract noun?

The abstract noun of loyal is Loyalty. Abstract noun is a word which denotes the feeling of 5 senses in the real which cannot be touched or tasted. Abstract noun is a common noun. And the noun form of loyal is ‘Loyalty’.

Is curse a noun?

curse. 1(also cuss) [countable] a rude or offensive word or phrase that some people use when they are very angry synonym oath, swear word He muttered a curse at the other driver.

Is hat a common noun?

“On Tuesday, she bought a new hat.” This sentence uses the common noun “hat.” The sentence also includes the proper noun “Tuesday,” which refers to a specific day and has to be capitalized. “The car broke down when he was on his way to work.”

Which part of speech is curse?


part of speech: noun
related words: abuse, bewitch, blast, jinx, profane, proscribe, scourge, slander
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to utter profanity; swear. She was embarrassed when her husband cursed in front of the priest. synonyms: cuss, swear similar words: anathematize, blaspheme, damn

What word is curse?

noun. a profane or obscene expression of anger, disgust, surprise, etc; oath. an appeal to a supernatural power for harm to come to a specific person, group, etc. harm resulting from an appeal to a supernatural powerto be under a curse.

What is the adjective of curse?

darned, accursed, accurst, blasted, confounded, cotton-picking, cursed, cussed, damnable, dang, danged, darn, deuced, doggone, doggoned, durn, freaking, goddamned, infernal, awful, irritating, offensive, undesirable, durned, flaming, annoying, execrable, flipping, effing, wretched, pesky, blessed, pestilential.

What does mean cursed?

1 : to call upon divine power to send harm or evil upon He cursed his enemies. 2 : swear sense 1. 3 : to bring unhappiness or evil upon : afflict. 4 : to say or think bad things about (someone or something) He cursed the unfairness of the world.

What is another word for cursed?

In this page you can discover 69 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cursed, like: doomed, execrable, offensive, disgusting, ruddy, unredeemed, excruciated, nice, sworn, damned and abominable.

Is it cursed or cursed?

‘Cursed’ can be pronouced ‘/kɜːrst/’ or ‘/ˈkɜːrsɪd/’. As far as I am aware, when used as the past tense of the verb ‘to curse’ it is always the former (‘He stubbed his toe and cursed’).

What’s the difference between cursed and cursed?

As verbs the difference between curse and cursed is that curse is to place a curse upon (a person or object) while cursed is (curse).

What does curse you out mean?

: to say angry and offensive words to (someone) My boss cursed me out.

How do you swear a girl out?

Deliver the dressing down right.

  1. Yell. A good cursing out deserves as much volume as you can muster.
  2. Show your anger in your face. Bulge your eyes, stick your nose out with nostrils flared, and let the blood rush to your face.
  3. Use body language. Get inside your target’s personal space.

What does cussing mean?

verb (used with object) to swear at; curse: He cussed the pedestrian for getting in his way. to criticize or reprimand in harsh terms (often followed by out): The coach cussed out the team for losing.

What is the opposite of a curse?

A curse is a word which threatens the other person to have bad luck. The opposite of a curse is a blessing.

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