
What is a top comment on YouTube?

What is a top comment on YouTube?

A top comment is a comment that has received the greatest number of likes on a video.

How do you praise an achievement?

More Formal

  1. “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
  2. “Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
  3. “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
  4. “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  5. “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”

How do you praise?

So here’s a hundred ready-made compliments to try out yourself:

  1. You’re an awesome friend.
  2. You’re a gift to those around you.
  3. You’re a smart cookie.
  4. You are awesome!
  5. You have impeccable manners.
  6. I like your style.
  7. You have the best laugh.
  8. I appreciate you.

What is an example of adoration?

Adoration sentence example. What if she looked upon him as his mother had his father, with adoration and love? His love to God as his Father was a passionate adoration which filled his whole heart. He appreciated the adoration Jonathan bestowed on him.

What is an example of blessing and adoration?

For instance, if the person is praying to Jesus, he or she may call him the Divine Redeemer, the Adorable Sacrament, the Light of the World or any other complimentary name. The person praying may thank or adore him for his mercy, his heavenly favors or even for the great doughnut they had for breakfast.

What is the prayer of thanksgiving?

We pray Thy love will bless, O Lord, each hearth, each home, each festive board; and that Thy peace will come to stay where candles glow, Thanksgiving Day. Thank the almighty, for all that He gave in life, for the food that you eat, for the people you greet, for the love in the heart, for that wonderful start.

What do you pray during adoration?

Thank You, Lord, because those who come to You shall not hunger, and those who believe in You will never thirst. Thank You for satisfying our hunger and quenching our thirst! Because of You, we are made whole, because of Your sacrifice we are free! Precious Lamb, we do not take what You did for us for granted, Amen.

What happens at adoration?

Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ, who is believed by Catholics to be present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, under the appearance of the consecrated host, that is, sacramental bread.

What is holy hour of adoration?

Holy Hour (Latin: hora sancta) is the Roman Catholic devotional tradition of spending an hour in Eucharistic adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. A plenary indulgence is granted for this practice.

What is the difference between worship and adoration?

As nouns the difference between adoration and worship is that adoration is (countable) an act of religious worship while worship is (obsolete) the condition of being worthy; honour, distinction.

What does adoration of God mean?

Adoration is respect, reverence, strong admiration or devotion in a certain person, place, or thing. The term comes from the Latin adōrātiō, meaning “to give homage or worship to someone or something”.

Why is adoration prayer important?

Prayer is important to Protestants because: It encourages Christians to acknowledge the goodness of God and how great He is (prayers of adoration). It encourages Christians to confess and ask for forgiveness. It helps Christians to remain humble as they thank God for all the things He has given them.

Is adoration an emotion?

Adoration is a feeling of deep love. Some people may say animals don’t have emotions, but you know from the adoration in your dog’s eyes that it’s just not true. The noun adoration comes from the Latin word adorationem, which means “worship,” particularly in a religious way.

What is the difference between adoration and thanksgiving?

As nouns the difference between adoration and thanksgiving is that adoration is (countable) an act of religious worship while thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude.

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