
What does the poet mean by slowly growing joy what joy is the poet referring to how can the joy referred to in the passage be achieved?

What does the poet mean by slowly growing joy what joy is the poet referring to how can the joy referred to in the passage be achieved?

Answer: The reading of books will bring ‘slowly growing joy’ for the children. The joy of reading a book is being referred to. The joy can be achieved if television sets are removed from houses and books and more books are introduced to the little children.

What is the advice of the poet?

Answer. the poet advises us not to waste time in watching that idot box ..instead we can read books to build up our knowledge and to skill up our power of imagination..

What does the poet mean by he only sees in the last line of the passage?

(f) What does the poet mean by ‘he only sees’ in the last line of the passage? Answer: By ‘he only sees’, the poet means that children who excessively watch television only ‘sees’ the television programmes and lose their ability to think and imagine.

What is the poet’s main concern in the poem television?

Answer: t is a stinging satire on Television. In this poem Roald Dahl expresses concern over what the modern invention the television set has done to children. He points out that watching TV has become a craze in modem time.

What is the theme of the poem television?

Answer. Answer: The theme of television poem, poem has give the positive message of child and it is one that encourages children to road. Reading is something that helps children concrete without necessarily breaking the mind in a way. It is the allow children use their imagination and have just as much fun.

Who are we referred to in the poem television?

Here, the poet uses capitalized word for all words in the line 25-33 in a row. Who is the we referred to in the first line? Answer: The ‘we’ refers to the adults and the parents of the children who watch television continuously.

What message does the poet want to give his readers?

Explanation: Through the poem “road not taken” the poet wants to convey the choices we have to make in life. He is confronted with two roads and he debates his choices. He knows he has to select one and only time will reveal whether the decision is right or wrong.

How will the youngsters gain from reading books in the poem television?

How can children benefit from reading books according to the poet in the poem ‘Television’ by Roald Dahl? According to the poet the habbit of reading books can givie them wisdom, knoweldge, imagination, and greatly mind satisfaction. This would also encourage them to learn more and more.

In what way is reading of books better than watching television?

All the research says reading a book is good for you. Better even than listening to an audiobook or reading one on an e-reader. It reduces stress, promotes comprehension and imagination, alleviates depression, helps you sleep and may contribute to preventing Alzheimer’s. Reading is active; watching TV is passive.

What advice is repeated here and why?

(ii) The advice that is repeated here is to throw away the television, and make a bookshelf in its place because he believes that TV is making children dull, and unimaginative, and he wants to stop this from happening.

How does TV kill the children’s imagination name the figure of speech used here?

Personification is the figure of speech used in this poem. Dahl is used to expressing an idea or a thing as a person. He uses personification in the line: It kills their imagination dead! He gives TV the capability to kill and gives imagination the ability to perish at its hand.

How can TV steal your imagination?

Stimulation Hypothesis. According to the stimulation hypothesis, viewing television enriches the store of ideas from which children can draw when engaged in imaginative play or creative tasks.

Does TV Kill Creativity?

There was clear evidence that children came up with less original ideas immediately after watching television. However, “if children are less creative in their play, this could, over time, negatively impact their development,” Rose said. …

Which figure of speech is used in the last line?


Which figure of speech is used in the first two lines?

ANSWER:- First line is alliteration or personification figure of speech is used . Example is flame and fire both first word is ‘F’ so it is an alliteration figure of speech . Flame and fire given a human so it is personification figures of speech . second line is Alliteration figures of speech is used .

Which figure of speech has been used in the line smile and smile and smile?

The figure of speech used in these lines is ‘Simile. ‘ The poet uses the expression “ashen like that of a corpse” to compare the face of her aging mother to that of a corpse. Such a comparison between two different entities used to make a description more vivid is called a simile.

Which figure of speech is used in smile and smile and smile?

REPETITION: This rhetorical device is used when a word or phrase is repeated. In this poem, the poet uses the device of repetition in last line ‘all I did was smile and smile and smile……’ when she had to subdue her feelings and tried not to show her emotion to her mother.

Why does the poet smile and smile and smile?

The poet smiled and smiled in an effort to reassure herself that she will meet her mother soon. Her words and smiles are a deliberate attempt to hide her real fears and feelings from her mother.

What does the expression smile smile and smile signify?

By “smile,smile,smile” She means to make herself and her mother hopeful to see each other again . It is actually a painful smile . The poet tries to conceal the swelling emotions by smiling . By using the poetic device of repetition has made the poetic language rich by depicting many hidden emotions through “smile”.

Which figure of speech is used in keeping quiet?

In this regard, which figure of speech is used in keeping quiet? The figures I found were anaphora (repetition of an initial word or words in adjacent clauses, sentences or poetic lines) and alliteration (repetition of initial consonants in nearby words).

Why does the poet ask people not to speak?

The poet urges people to stop speaking in any language. They must speak through their hearts. So far men have moved their arms only to harm others. Therefore, the poet wants that they should not move their arms so much.

What does the poem keeping quiet teach us?

The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ emphasises the need for quiet introspection and creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings. It conveys to us the poet’s philosophy of an exotic moment of silence which will be an antidote to violence, hatred and war.

Why is the moment of silence called exotic?

(b) It would be called an exotic moment because it will be an instance of universal peace and brotherhood. In that moment, all of us would initiate introspection through meditation and the whole world will be enveloped in quietness.

What does counting up to 12 signify?

question_answer 1) What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us achieve ? Answer: When we count up to twelve and keep still, it will help us achieve a sense of togetherness. We will not be busy in the mundane activities of life, but on the contrary, in the silence of peace we will have time to introspect.

What does the title keeping quiet suggest?

The title of the poem ‘Keeping quiet’ suggests us that we should stop our worldly activities for a few moments and do some quiet introspection. It will help us to understand ourselves. The poem is about that it does not need much time to look within and examine oneself.

What things cause suffering to humans?

Sadness and disappointment are the biggest source of suffering. Another one is the lack of noble qualities and good manners in human beings. Our unhealthy and evil ways also our spirits. Such thing are despondence, dearth of noble natures, gloomy days, unhealthy and overdarkened ways.

What is the message of the poem a thing of beauty?

The poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ gives a clear cut message that a thing of beauty is a joy for ever. It never passes into nothingness. Our earth is replete with innumerable natural objects full of beauty. These enliven our spirits and remove the pall of despondency, misery, sadness and sufferings.

What is the original language of the poem keeping quiet?


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