
What tone has the poet adopted in the poem?

What tone has the poet adopted in the poem?

Answer Expert Verified Shirley Toulson in the poem,”A Photograph” takes up a sentimental and memorial tone as she pays a tribute to her mother. The poetess develops a lamentable expression which is the crux of the poem. She says that the world has not changed, but the person that made her world is long gone.

What is the mood of the poet here?

In the poem “The Photograph”, the poetess Shirley Toulson travels down her memory lane and becomes nostalgic. She is reminded of a time when her mother was young and she herself was a child, while she looks at one of her mother’s old photograph.

Why does the poet use the exclamation o boy o boy?

Poet use the exclamation oh boy oh boy in the poem television. Explanation: The exclamation are used by poet here like Gadzooks and Great Scott. He used these words to express the expression of shocked and the annoyance of the parents for watching television.

What amusing exaggeration does the poet make here?

A dozen eyeballs on the floor.) Answer: The poet has used hyperbole to exaggerate.

Who keeps gaping at the screen Why?

Why? Answer: The children keep on gaping at the screen as they get hooked/addicted to whatever is shown on the television.

Why does the poet repeat the word never?

Answer: The poet has employed capitalisation in some places in the poem ‘Television’ to mark the most important messages he wants to convey. Dahl wants to warn us against the excessive watching of television and then to suggest the better alternative in the form of reading books through his poem.

What is referred to as the idiotic thing?

Answer Expert Verified The television is referred to as the idiotic thing. According to him a person who watches TV all the time loses his power of imagination and creativity. While reading books enables him to discover deeper levels of joy and opens a new and exciting world for him.

What is the poet main concern?

The poets main concern is for the children who stare at television for long hours and as a result their ability to think of new ideas diminishes.

What is referred to as ghastly junk?

Answer: The word ‘ghastly’ means terrible or very bad. Poet says that the children sit and stare at the television screen until their mind is filled with those horrible junk content which is of no use and which corrupts the imaginative and creative faculty of their mind.

Do you agree with the poet?

yes,in maximum poems I agree with the poet’s thought as the meaning of the poem given by the poet is the most suitable meaning that can be given to the poem.

Who are being addressed to in the poem Why?

The poet was said to see that in a house where the children were supposed to be concentrating on TV, and they are involved in it. They spend so much time in it that they get exhausted. SO in the poem, it is addressed to all children who are busy in watching the TV.

Who are we referred to in the first line here in the poem television?

Answer. In the first line ”we” refers to adult. In this poem poet Dahl has explained the dangerous consequence on children by watching television. Poet has advised to adult and parents, to not allow their children to watch television every time.

Do you agree with the poet that reading is better than TV watching why why not?

Answer: Yes i agree with the poet that reading is better than TV watching reading will give us more knowledge than by watching TV.

Why has the poet used the exclamations Great Scott and Gadzooks?

Solution. Great Scott is an expression used to express shock and disbelief and Gadzooks means god’s hooks or the nails on the cross and is a kind of oath. The poet wants to emphasize the importance of reading and the uselessness of watching television.

What does the expression Great Scott mean?

“Great Scott!” is an interjection of surprise, amazement, or dismay. It is a distinctive but inoffensive exclamation, popular in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century, and now considered dated.

What does the poet mean by their eyes pop out?

The poet Roald Dahl sees a dozen of eyeballs lying on he floor each house he visits and relaises that there is a television in the house. It means that The children who keep staring at the televison for a very long time , their eyeballs popping out is an exaggeration by the poet.

What is the ridiculous machine How does the poet view it?

Answer: The ‘ ridiculous machine ‘ is the television and according to the poet view that television is the dangerous things which kill the children imaginary power , make children lazy instead of playing outside.

What does the poet mean by slow growing joy?

Answer: The reading of books will bring ‘slowly growing joy’ for the children. The joy of reading a book is being referred to. The joy can be achieved if television sets are removed from houses and books and more books are introduced to the little children.

What comparison does the poet make between brain and cheese?

The poet states that the children who watch television excessively, their brain becomes soft as cheese. Through this comparison, the poet tells the readers how the children who excessively watch television become creatures who do not have much-thinking abilities.

Why does the poet insist on children’s reading books?

The poet believes, as opposed to watching TV, these books can benefit the little children in more than one ways. Books will give them the imagination and thoughts, the knowledge and wisdom, the satisfaction of mind and heart.

What does the poet mentions about the cannibals in the books?

Answer. Answer: The poet says that the old children used to read lots of books and he is telling about a character in a book where the children used to read about cannibals who would crouch around a pot and would be stirring something really hot.

Why does the poet think that books are better than toys?

Answer: The poet thinks that books are better than toys because they don’t hurt anyone, they do not break nor do they grow old or stop working.

Why does the poet use the expression Have you forgotten don’t you know?

In some way, the phrase reinforces the poet’s view that television is an extremely useless thing as far as children are concerned. This explains why he feels that children should be kept away from it.

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