
What did Andy reveal at his first visit to the psychologist?

What did Andy reveal at his first visit to the psychologist?

In Tears of a Tiger Dr. Carrothers is the psychologist who speaks with Andy after he causes a car accident that kills his best friend. The first time Andy speaks with the psychologist, we find that he is black, like Andy. This seems to break down some walls.

Why does Andy wish that he could be part of Rob’s family?

Why does Andy wish he could be a part of Rob’s Family? They are a close knit family and have a sense of fun.

How does Andy feel about his brother Monty?

Andy cares about his brother and sees Monty as a person who could make an impact on the world. He feels responsible for making sure that as Monty moves forward and accomplishes great things, he feels proud of his own race.

How does Andy react to Ms Blackwell’s lesson on MacBeth?

How does Andy react to Mr. Blackwell’s Lesson on MacBeth? He runs out of the room and cries.

How is BJ different from his friends?

How is B.J. different from his friends? He does not drink, he’s short and doesn’t have a girlfriend.

How did Andy and Rob’s friendship begin?

How did Andy and Rob’s friendship begin? With a fight in 7th grade. How does the coach treat Andy after the accident? Very understanding and he is the only person who does.

Who is Gerald in tears of a tiger?

Gerald Nickelby is one of the friends of the boys in the car accident. His step dad beats him, doesn’t like poems, peanut butter, band-aids and 5 dollar bills.

Why does Gerald say that Andy and his friends ended up buying five dollars worth of death?

Why does Gerald say that Andy and his friends ended up buying five dollars worth of death? They paid five dollars for the alcohol that got them all drunk except BJ, and the five dollars bought the beer that caused Andy to wreck and kill Rob.

How does Andy kill himself in tears of a tiger?

When his emotions become too much for her to handle, she breaks up with him, declaring to her friend, Rhonda, she never wants to see him again. On the same day, Andy stays at home instead of going to school and kills himself with a gun due to depression.

Who was in the car accident in tears of a tiger?

Nov. 8—Robert Washington, age 17, captain of the Hazelwood High School basketball team, was killed last night in a fiery automobile accident on I–75.

Is Tears of a Tiger a true story?

4. Are any of the characters in Tears of a Tiger based on real people? No, I made them up. But the ideas are based on real emotions and real understanding of grief.

What is the main conflict in tears of a tiger?

The main conflict of Tears of a Tiger focuses on the aftermath of Rob Washington’s death with a particular emphasis on how his best friend Andy copes with his role in the accident. Andy feels responsible for Rob’s demise because he was the driver and was drunk at the time of the car crash.

Is Tears of a Tiger appropriate for middle school?

Tears of a Tiger is a great book that is written on a middle school level. This story tells about truth, friendship and the real dangers of drinking and driving. Andy still feels guilty because he drove a car straight into a wall killing his best friend.

What genre is Tears of a Tiger?


What is the climax of Tears of a Tiger?

The Climax was when Andy killed himself with a gun. ” The younger child Monty age 6 noticed blood on the walls. ” Mrs. Jackson went to her son’s bedroom where Andy’s body was found with gunshot wounds to the head”. The falling action is all of the actions that comes after the climax.

What is the theme of Tears of a Tiger?

Lesson Summary Three key themes in Sharon M. Draper’s Tears of Tiger are death, guilt/blame, and race. High school students generally feel invincible, but Rob’s tragic death teaches the students at Hazelwood High that they aren’t, and that sometimes there are fatal consequences to bad decisions.

Who are the characters in tears of a tiger?

Dr. Carrothers

What social problems are discussed in tears of a tiger?

Tears of a Tiger made a splash when it was first published in 1994 because it deals with hot-button issues like drunk driving, teen suicide, and depression.

How many pages are in tears of a tiger?


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