
Why am I so obsessed with my grades?

Why am I so obsessed with my grades?

If a student is constantly struggling with their own personal issues and trying to keep up their grades at the same time, this constant need for A’s can lead to an immense amount of stress emotionally, physically and potentially even physiologically. Students’ desire to be perfect also plays a role in grade obsession.

What is the fear of bad grades?

Fear of Failure Phobia – Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia.

What year of highschool is the hardest?

Junior year of high school is scary for three big reasons: In a year or less, you’ll be applying to college. This year is the most important year academically because it will be the most recent year worth of grades that colleges will see. This will also probably be the busiest and hardest of your high school years.

Is junior year harder than college?

It’s not necessarily easier or harder, but different. You are expected to do as much if not more learning outside of the lecture time than in class. College is harder in general, but it might be easier at first because you’ll probably take a small number of lower-level classes in your first semester.

What is the hardest majors in college?

CollegeVine’s Top 10 Hardest Majors

  1. Chemistry. Average GPA: 2.9.
  2. Chemical Engineering. Average GPA: 3.2.
  3. Electrical Engineering. Average GPA: 3.3.
  4. Physics. Average GPA: 3.1.
  5. Architecture. Average GPA: 3.3.
  6. Nursing. Average GPA: 3.2.
  7. Accounting. Average GPA: 3.2.
  8. Cellular and Molecular Biology. Average GPA: 3.2.

What is borderline genius IQ?

55 to 69: Mild mental disability. 70 to 84: Borderline mental disability. 85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted.

What is the average IQ of medical students?

The average Full Scale I.Q. of the medical students across the number of studies was 125, similar to the I.Q.’s of physicians at that time.

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