
How According to the speaker can a person make their own happy ending?

How According to the speaker can a person make their own happy ending?

In the third stanza the poet wisely suggests to us that happy endings may not happen by chance, but we can make happy endings by the quality of our work and positive attitude. In the last stanza the poet advises us to be ourselves, however small we may be. We should always smile when things get out of tune.

How has the speaker described the fog?

The poet W.H. Davis describes in his poem ‘The Fog’ the effect of the fog on him. It blurred his vision and he was unable to see things clearly. He lost the sense of direction and space, not knowing where to go. He felt there was nothing in his head except for two burning eyes.

Do you agree with the speaker that a happy ending depends on oneself?

Give reasons for your answer. According to the speaker a person’s happiness depends on one’s own individual outlook towards everything around him. A person’s happiness or unhappiness depends on his understanding of himself. He should try to remember only the happy things he experiences in his journey of life.

Why was the speaker happy?

Yes ,he is happy because he says in a line that, his decision has made all the difference. He feels successful in his life by choosing the road which made him reach his corrrect destination. The poet only feels regretted that he could not travel through the other way also.

What is speaker in a poem?

Just like fiction has a narrator, poetry has a speaker–someone who is the voice of the poem. Often times, the speaker is the poet. Other times, the speaker can take on the voice of a persona–the voice of someone else including animals and inanimate objects.

What is the poem about who is the speaker of the poem?

The speaker of the poem ‘The Blind Boy’ by Colley Cibber is a young blind boy who is blind from birth. The speaker enjoys the blessings of his other senses of touch, hearing, smell and taste. He has an optimistic and positive attitude towards life.

Why is the speaker important in poetry?

The speaker can be the most important aspect of a poem. The speaker allows for a more active voice in the poem, and can often serve as a mouthpiece to communicate the ideas of the poet to an audience.

Who according to you is the speaker in this poem?

1 Answer. (i) The speaker of the poem is a small kid. (ii) He/She was both curious and afraid. The creaking noise of hinges at night and the feeling of someone staring at him/her make the child feel afraid.

Who is the speaker in this line?

[The extract is taken from the Animal Farm] Old Major, the boar, is the speaker of the lines above. In a farm meeting of animals of Manor Farm, he explains that he is getting old and may die soon, so he wishes to impart his wisdom.

Who is the speaker of given lines?

Professor Sheth

Who is the speaker in the poem last bargain?

Answer: A daily wage earner who is looking for a job is the speaker of the poem. (iii) more power than wealth. Mark the appropriate item in the context of stanza 1.

Why does the speaker refuse the king’s offer to hire him?

Answer: At the very opening of the poem it has been seen that the speaker is denying the king’s proposal of hiring him. This is because he believes in no power which can bind him in the shackel of mere bondage. This urgency of freedom in himself led him to deny the king’s proposal.

What is the meaning of last bargain?

The Last Bargain is a poem written by the famous and renowned Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. It is a poem about a person looking for a job. The speaker in the poem is searching for a job in which he does not have to lose his freedom. He receives the first proposal from a King.

What message does the poem the last bargain convey?

“The Last Bargain” by Tagore is a sixteen lines poem composed in blank verse conveying a strong message well needed for the materialistic world that no power, money or lust can make us happy. Simplicity and innocence are the most supreme of all.

What is Lyonnesse in the poem?

Lyonnesse is a mythical place referred to in the legend of King Arthur. The poet’s choice to use this setting refers to an actual place that imparts an air of magic and mysticism. Thomas Hardy was born in England on June 2, 1840.

What is the speaker’s last bargain answer?

The speaker’s final bargain is with a child playing with shells on the sea beach. The child has nothing to pay in return. Still the man strikes the deal. Playing with the child will make him a free man, not a slave or servant.

What is the speaker last bargain Why does he call it the best?

Who was the child playing the last bargain?

Answer: The last Bargain that struck in child’s play make the speaker a freeman. Question 10.

How did Jody bring the fawn back home?

Jody picked up the fawn into his arms and proceeded to home. After some distance, he kept the fawn down and took rest. Later on, the fawn followed him. Thus he brought the fawn back home.

What drives all the joy away?

“The School Boy” is a poem written in the pastoral tradition that focuses on the downsides of formal learning. It considers how going to school on a summer day “drives all joy away”. The boy in this poem is more interested in escaping his classroom than he is with anything his teacher is trying to teach.

Why can’t the summer arise in joy?

Thus forcing the children to go to school in spring is like ‘nipping’ the buds in their infancy and blowing the blossoms away. If children are stripped of their joy in spring, they cannot grow and mature into fruits in summer.

How can the bird that is born for joy sit in a cage and sing?

“How can the bird that is born for joy/Sit in a cage and sing?” These words from William Blake’s poem The Schoolboy were spoken by today’s guest on Desert Island Discs, David Almond. It’s not the first time Almond has railed against such practices.

Why does the boy compare himself to a caged bird?

Why does the boy compare himself to a caged bird? Answer: Like a caged bird, the boy is also not free to do any thing at his own will. He wants to lead a life of freedom but he can’t because there are many restrictions on him.

Who is compared to a caged bird?

Answer. ☢️The poet Maya Angelou is comparing racism faced by Afro Americans in early 1960 by contrasting caged bird as Afro Americans and free birds as White Americans . The caged bird symbolises struggle of Afro Americans for their fight for freedom.

Why is the speaker of the poem unhappy?

Why is the speaker of the poem unhappy? The speaker of the poem, a little boy, is unhappy because he doesn’t like going to the school.

What is the moral of the poem the school boy?

The main theme is the sorrow that the boy feels having to go to school, when he wants to enjoy summer. He has the obligation to go to a close space, but he wants to go outside. Another theme is nature, the freedom that it represents for the boy and the opression of the class.

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