
What is the theme of Chapter 12 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

What is the theme of Chapter 12 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Themes. In this chapter, Jem shows a new maturity that we have not seen in him before. It is mentioned at the beginning of the chapter that he is now 12 and acting inconsistent and moody. He is now becoming more independent and does not want to spend as much time with Scout.

What do Jem and Scout learn in Chapter 12?

Humility and its antithesis, arrogance, are two lessons Scout and Jem learn in chapters 12 and 13 of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout and Jem learn a lesson in humility from Calpurnia the day she brings them to church with her when their father is out of town.

Why does Scout cry at the end of Chapter 13?

Scout begins crying, because she is confused. She also feels that Aunt Alexandra changed the way Atticus speaks to her and Jem.

What happened in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 14?

Summary: Chapter 14 One day, Scout tries to ask Atticus what “rape” is, and the subject of the children’s trip to Calpurnia’s church comes up. That night, Jem tells Scout not to antagonize Alexandra. Scout gets angry at being lectured and attacks Jem. Atticus breaks up the fight and sends them to bed.

What does the last line of Chapter 13 mean in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The last line of chapter 13 is showing how Scout views a girl, and how she dresses. On page 179 Scout thought. “ It takes a woman to do that kind of work.” What Scout is trying to show is that from Aunt Alexandra, she has learned that a woman will cost a family more than what any injury would cost them….

What does Scout learn about Atticus 13?

In Chapter 13 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout Finch does not teach her father, Atticus , something such as a skill; she teaches her father a lesson about himself and others. Atticus tries to point out to his children the importance of living up to their family name.

What is Atticus trying to convey to Jem and Scout at the end of Chapter 13?

Atticus is trying to explain to Jem and Scout the importance of the Finch name and to live up to their family name and heritage.

What does Scout learn in Chapter 13?

In Chapter 13, Aunt Alexandra moves into the Finch residence. Scout comments that Alexandra is obsessed with heredity and learns about her theory regarding family background. Scout becomes aware of Maycomb’s caste system, and Alexandra convinces Atticus to teach Jem and Scout about their family background.

What happened in Chapter 13 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Unbeknownst to Jem and Scout, Atticus has arranged for Aunt Alexandra to come live with them indefinitely, so that Scout can have some “feminine influence” in her life. That Scout and Jem don’t believe in Aunt Alexandra’s “Streak” theory causes a bit of tension in the household. ……

Why do Jem and Scout get into a fist fight in Chapter 14?

Hence, all in all, Jem and Scout begin to fight because ridicule from racial tensions is wearing Jem down emotionally. In addition, Jem is growing up, which makes Scout feel inferior to him, leading to further fighting. Jem comment ignites Scout’s anger because she is sick of Jem acting superior.

What is Chapter 16 of To Kill a Mockingbird about?

Summary: Chapter 16 Dolphus Raymond, a wealthy eccentric who owns land on a river bank, lives near the county line, is involved with a black woman, and has mulatto children. Only Miss Maudie refuses to go, saying that watching someone on trial for his life is like attending a Roman carnival.

Why did Jem tell Atticus that Dill was there?

Why did Jem tell Atticus that Dill was there? Jem told Atticus that Dill was there because he can’t keep him hidden and feed him without Atticus knowing.

Why does Dill think Boo Radley never ran off?

When Dill says that “Maybe [Boo Radley] doesn’t have anywhere to run off to,” (Lee 192) he means that since Boo has been cut off from the community for so long, he probably doesn’t have any places or go to. In chapter fourteen, Scout and Jem find Dill under Scout’s bed….

What is hiding under Scout’s bed?

That night Scout feels something under her bed and thinks a snake his hiding there. She gets Jem to investigate, and they discover Dill hiding under Scout’s bed.

Why does JEM refuse to leave the jailhouse?

Why does Jem openly defy Atticus and refuse to leave? Jem defies Atticus and refuses to leave in order to make sure Atticus does not get hurt. Scout attempt at conversation makes the mob leave the jail and Atticus.

What does Scout think is underneath her bed what is really there why?

Scout finds Dill under her bed. What does Atticus mean when he says, “rape to riot to runaways”? Scout and Jem, and had dealt with the runaway Dill. Scout thinks at first that a snake is under her bed.

What did Scout think she stepped on as her bed?

As Scout prepared for bed, she stepped on something warm and dry, but when she turned on the light, it had disappeared under her bed. She called Jem thinking it was a snake, and he got the broom to sweep it out. It turned out to be Dill hiding under her bed.

How is Jem still a child in Chapter 14?

Jem shows in this chapter that he is more mature and responsible by reading more and wanting to spend more time alone. He is still a child by. She prove they are equal by her fighting with him and him fighting back.

What does scout say to Mr Cunningham at the jail?

Scout goes on to make small talk with Mr. Cunningham about his legal “entailment” and encourages Mr. Cunningham to “Tell (Walter Jr.) hey for me, won’t you?”

Who is Mr Cunningham in the book To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Cunningham is the father of Walter Cunningham Jr, Scout’s classmate. He’s also a client of Atticus’s, and pays Atticus for his services in goods rather than money, because that’s all he can afford.

How does Scout end the danger?

How does Scout manage to end the danger? She singles out Mr. Cunningham and talks to him about Walter and then that lowers the tensions causing the mob to break up and leave.

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