
What average do you need to get into Brooklyn Tech?

What average do you need to get into Brooklyn Tech?

To be on track for admission into all of the Specialized High Schools, students should have a 400 by the start of 7th grade, a 500 by the end of 7th grade and a 600 by the start of 8th grade. The ultimate goal is to score a 650 by your final practice SHSAT before taking the exam.

Is Brooklyn Tech the biggest school?

Brooklyn Tech is the nation’s largest high school. Brooklyn Tech is the nation’s largest high school.

What is the largest public high school in America?

Brooklyn Technical High School

Is the Dean’s List a big deal?

Getting on the Dean’s List is a great personal achievement. Being on the Dean’s List means that you are among the top 1-5% of the faculty in terms of academic results. Increasing your employability factor. Ultimately we study to get a good job — our best possible job.

Does dean’s list look good on resume?

Including Dean’s List on a resume is optional. By all means, put Dean’s List on a resume if you made it all semesters. If you made Dean’s List only once, leave it out. If you made Dean’s List several semesters, consider including it in a separate section on your resume.

What percent of students make dean’s list?

The Deans’ Lists recognize the next 17 percent of undergraduate students within each division registered for a semester of 12 or more hours attempted for grades (A+ through F).

Is the Dean’s List or Honor Roll better?

To be placed on the academic honor roll, a student must complete at least 14.0 semester hours with a 3.0-3.499 grade point for the semester, have no grade below C, and no incomplete grade. Those students satisfying the above criteria with a semester grade-point average of 3.5 or above are placed on the Dean’s List.

What is higher than Dean’s List?

For example, the dean’s list records students with at least a 3.5 GPA whereas the chancellor’s list records students with a higher 4.0 GPA.

Is dean’s list every semester or year?

The Dean’s list is…well a list of all students in any given semester who have achieved distinguished grades.

What GPA is Deans list?

3.50 GPA

How do you know if you made the dean’s list?

How do I know if I am on the Dean’s List? The Registrar generates the Dean’s List after grades are in every semester. Eligible students will receive a ‘Dean’s List’ notation on their transcript.

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