
How do I add H drive to my computer?

How do I add H drive to my computer?

Connect To Your H: Drive Select This PC from the left side menu. Select the Computer tab from the top menu. Select Map Network Drive. Select the H: drive letter from the drop-down menu.

How do I access my G drive?

Go to drive.google.com. Install Drive for desktop . For details, go to Install Drive for desktop. Install the Drive app from the Play Store (Android) or Apple App Store (iOS).

What is G drive on my computer?

The G drive is shared space on a networked drive for your local area or department. This means you can put files there which your colleagues should access and edit as well. Individuals from other departments will not have access to your G drive, but will have their own separate G drive.

How do you accept a request on Google Drive?

Get permission to open a file

  1. Open the file.
  2. On the “You need permission” page, click Request access.
  3. The owner of the file will get an email asking for approval. After they approve your request, you’ll get an email.

How do I request access to edit on Google Drive?

If you can “View only”

  1. Open the file.
  2. Click Request edit access.
  3. If you want, add a note to the owner of the file.
  4. Click Send request.

Is Google classroom LTI compliant?

Google Classroom does not support LTI. G Suite for Education does have a service called Google Assignments, which allows teachers to export LTI-compliant assignments that they create in Google Docs. However, this service is not compatible with Google Classroom.

How does Google Apps integrate with canvas?

Some of the things you will be able to do within Canvas after setting up the Google Apps integration are as follows:

  1. View your Google Drive files within Canvas.
  2. Create a Google Drive collaboration within your Canvas course.
  3. Create a cloud assignment in your Canvas course using a Google Drive file.
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