
How do you cite math formulas?

How do you cite math formulas?

Mathematical Equation

  1. Author.
  2. Year of publication (in round brackets).
  3. Title of article (in single quotation marks).
  4. Title of journal (in italics – capitalise first letter of each word in title, except for linking words such as and, of, the, for).
  5. Volume, issue, page numbers.
  6. Available at: URL (or doi if available).

Do I use APA 6 or 7?

What is the most current edition of the APA manual? The 7th edition APA Manual, published in October 2019, is the most current edition. However, the 6th edition, published in 2009, is still used by many universities and journals.

How do you cite a figure in APA?

Figure reproduced in your text From “Title of Article,” by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname, Year, Journal Title, Volume(issue), page number (url or doi if it’s from an ejournal). Copyright Year by the Name of Copyright Holder.

How do you reference a picture in APA 7?

Image from an Electronic Source

  1. creator’s name (author, artist, photographer etc.)
  2. date the work was published or created.
  3. title of the work.
  4. place of publication.
  5. publisher.
  6. type of material (for photographs, charts, online images)
  7. website address and access date.

How do you reference a figure?

The citation would normally be given after the title of the figure, table, diagram, etc.

  1. Example: Figure 1, A four pointed star (Jones, 2015, p. 54).
  2. Example: (Jones, 2015, p.33)
  3. Example:
  4. Example: (United Nations, 1975, cited in Smith, 2016, p.33)

How do I add references to IEEE format in Word?

IEEE Citation Format

  1. Press Ctrl+H.
  2. Make sure the insertion point is in the Find What box and that there is nothing in the box.
  3. Click the More button if it is available.
  4. Click Format and then click Style.
  5. In the dialog box, select either the Footnote Reference or Endnote Reference style, depending on which you used in your document.

Can you use numbered references in APA?

References should be with numbered as squared brackets but not in alphabetical order [2]. [1]. Moore, M., et al.

What are the four sources that need to be cited in a paper?

When Sources Must Be Cited (Checklist)

  • Quotations, opinions, and predictions, whether directly quoted or paraphrased.
  • Statistics derived by the original author.
  • Visuals in the original.
  • Another author’s theories.
  • Case studies.
  • Another author’s direct experimental methods or results.
  • Another author’s specialized research procedures or findings.

How do I write about another’s ideas?

  1. Matching the source verbatim (word for word) in quotation marks.
  2. Be sure to clarify the meaning and significance of the quote to your point.
  3. Provide the quote’s author so it’s not just “dropped in” without introduction.
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