
Why did Rex lose his job and what does it suggest about his personality?

Why did Rex lose his job and what does it suggest about his personality?

What does it suggest about his character? “Dad lost his job at the gypsum mine after getting in an argument with the foreman.” it shows her dad has hot temper and he won’t bear things which he cannot accept.

How does Rex Wall convince people to hire?

Answer Expert Verified. Rex tells people that he has a college degree when he doesn’t. This shows that he is willing to lie so that he doesn’t feel embarrassed about his education or his status. He needs the acceptance of others, and he feels like he is not good enough.

Why does Rex leave home and disappear for several days following the death of his mother?

Why does Rex leave home and disappear for several days following the death of his mother? he gets upset at his family for not respecting his mother’s funeral.

Why does Rex manage to stay sober when he is living upstate?

Why does Rex manage to stay sober when he is living upstate? why doesn’t he stay there and remain sober? He enjoyed the job he had. He wasn’t stressed and he was in the country which is his favorite place to live.

Why did Jeannette leave Eric?

She moves in with Mom and Dad after high school, unable to care for herself. Dad’s death forces Jeannette to examine her life and she eventually leaves Eric and moves away from Park Avenue to the West Side. With Dad’s death, Jeannette comes to terms with both her relationship to her father and her sense of self.

What sickness puts Rex in the hospital?

That spring Dad comes down with tuberculosis and is hospitalized.

Why was Brian found throwing up behind the walls house one day?

Why was Brian throwing up behind the Walls house one day? He stole a jar of pickles so the neighbor forced him to eat the whole entire jar.

What does the parents decision to go on the helicopter ride suggest about them?

The parents’ decision to go on the helicopter ride suggests that they’re rude and selfish.

What does it mean to check out Rex Walls style?

“Rex Walls —style”, means they’re leaving without paying the bill. They came running out with Dad’s arm around Mom’s shoulders. Mom was cradling a bundle in her arms and giggling sort of guiltily, like she’d stolen a candy bar from a dime store. I figured they had checked out Rex Walls–style.

Why can t rex walls keep a job?

Why can’t he keep a job? Does he want to? Rex claims he didn’t exactly get “fired.” Instead he arranged to have himself fired because he wanted to spend more time looking for gold.

What does it mean to do the skedaddle?

intransitive verb. : to leave immediately : run away, scram I’ve got to skedaddle or I’ll be late. Whenever there was work to be done, he skedaddled. … of the five hundred and sixteen thousand immigrants who had come to Quebec since 1969 some three hundred and twelve thousand took a good look around and skedaddled.—

What does the Joshua tree symbolize?

The Joshua tree is a symbol of strength, this tree possesses the ability to survive in areas that are prone to drought and that is the area where they are usually found in nature.

Why is Joshua Tree so special?

The slow-growing Joshua tree, which graces much of the park’s desert ecosystem, is probably the most famous resident of the park. Named by Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-1800s, the tree’s unusual shape reminded them of the Bible story in which Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer.

Is Joshua tree mentioned in the Bible?

Although the Joshua tree was named after the Biblical prophet Joshua, the tree was never mentioned in the Bible. It is native to the Americas rather than the Middle East.

How is the Joshua Tree a symbol for the walls lives?

The Joshua tree symbolizes the strength and beauty that can arise from dysfunction. As Mom tells Jeannette, the tree’s struggle is what gives the tree its beauty. This symbol can be applied to Jeannette’s need to surmount incredible difficulties in the process of growing up.

Why is a Joshua tree called a Joshua tree?

By the mid-19th century, Mormon immigrants had made their way across the Colorado River. Legend has it that these pioneers named the tree after the biblical figure, Joshua, seeing the limbs of the tree as outstretched in supplication, guiding the travelers westward.

What does Miss Bivens symbolize in the glass castle?

Miss Bivens is Jeannette’s faculty adviser for the school newspaper. She also was Rex’s English teacher when he attended the school, and the teacher who convinced him to stay in school and get his diploma.

What does margarine symbolize in the glass castle?

The stick of margarine stands as a symbol for the poverty that the Walls face within The Glass Castle. The stick of margarine is the only thing in the kitchen to eat, but the children eat it anyway, showing how desperate their situation has become.

Why did Rose Mary hate being a teacher?

While she’s there, she applies for a teaching job and is hired immediately. Even though her students like her so much, Mom hates teaching. She hates it, because her own mother had forced her into the profession as a fallback job, which always makes her think her mother didn’t believe she had any artistic ability.

What causes the argument that ends in Rose Mary being dangled out of the window by her feet by Rex?

What causes the argument that ends in Rose Mary being dangled out of the window by her feet by Rex? They argued about whose fault it was that they lived the way they did. And Rose Mary said that Rex should get another job.

How does each child try to help the parents the glass castle?

She tries to help them by being realistic, and trying to see the world as it really is. The second one is Jeanette, the main character in the story. Jeanette’s most important contribution to the family is the fact that she never loses faith in them, so she is the glue that holds them together.

How does Jeannette feel about her parents being homeless?

Jeannette feels ambivalent about her parents. Part of her wants to help them while part of her just wants to wash her hands of them. She has always been generous, helping the homeless with handouts of change, until one day a friend at Barnard tells her not to give them money, because they are all scam artists.

What does Jeannette find out about her mother’s finances in Part 4 that surprises her?

What does Jeannette find out about her mother’s finances in Part 4 that surprises her? She owned land worth a million dollars.

Why does Rose Mary ask Jeannette for a million dollars?

In the book “The Glass Castle” Rose Mary Walls asks Jeannette to loan her a million dollars to buy her brothers half of the family land in Texas. This was the first time Jeannette realized that her mothers half of the land could be worth so much.

What does Jeannette think everyone should do that the interviewer isn’t sure about?

What does Jeannette think everyone should do that the interviewer isn’t sure about? She thinks everyone should write a memoir. Jeannette’s mother did not take good care of her children.

What happens to Maureen after she moves to New York City?

Three years after Maureen’s arrival, Mom and Dad move to New York City. They quickly fall behind on rent and are kicked out of a series of apartments. Brian and Lori try to take them in on different occasions, but Dad’s drinking and Mom’s messiness quickly make the situation untenable.

What happened at the end of Glass Castle?

The book ends with the family having a mini-reunion at the home of Jeannette and her second husband. Lori, Brian, and Mom are there for Thanksgiving dinner. Before they stuff themselves with turkey, they toast Dad and tell wild Walls stories. The end.

How old is Jeannette Walls at the end of the glass castle?

At three years old, Jeannette burns herself making hot dogs. Over the years, the Walls family moves multiple times. Click to see full answer.

Why is the glass castle banned?

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is banned from many schools and even some libraries due to the strong sexual scenes and situations dealing with alcoholism and abuse. It was written so Jeanette Walls could tell her story.

What is the message of the glass castle?

The Glass Castle Themes. Theme is a pervasive idea presented in a literary piece. Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle presents the dilemma of familial relations and also demonstrates different facets of human personality such as self-sufficiency, love with the world of fantasy, and parental irresponsibility.

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