
What does caret mean in texting?

What does caret mean in texting?

To indicate something that has been mentioned already. In the online chatting world, caret is used for various purposes – · To reply to someone’s post just above your post. · To refer to a previous comment or chat again. · To agree to a comment by another person.

What is shift 6 called?

caret — The small up-facing arrow on the “6” key (shift-6) on a typewriter keyboard. Also called a “hat,” it is used as a symbol for several different operations. The mathematical expression 2^12 means 2 to the 12th power.

How do you insert a caret?

Press “Ctrl-Shift” and the caret (” ^ “) key and then the letter to insert a circumflex accent.

What is the upside down V symbol called?


What is the upside down V in Russian?

the upside-down V is the equivalent of L in Russian alphabet . It is written as Л or л but in handwriting it does appear as Upside down V.

What is the upside down U in probability?

It is mostly used in set notation which means INTERSECTION. probability wise upside down ‘U’ stands (A∩B) for A intersection of B means elements from both sets indicates are common from set A as well as set B.

Why did the Spartans use the Lambda?

The lambda was adopted as the symbol of Laconia (the region of Greece where Sparta is located) and Lacedaemon (the ancient name for the city) in the late 5th century BC. Shields were treated as family heirlooms passed down from father to son among the Spartans and were considered more valuable than even their weapons.

What is Sparta called now?


Why did Spartans not wear armor?

In response to Iphicrates’ victory over Sparta in 392 BC, Spartan hoplites started abandoning body armour. Eventually, they wore almost no armour apart from a shield, leg greaves, bracelets, helmet and a robe.

How tall was the average Spartan?

The main way they did this was compare shields and take into account that the Spartan phalanx would have the shields covering the adjacent soldier from neck to thigh. The estimations point to around 1,70 m to around 1,78 m. That converts to 5 7′ to 5 10′ if you are from a country that uses feet.

Did Spartans have six packs?

Yes and No. They did not have six-packs. They were endurance-builders, not body-builders. As a result, they were quite muscular, but they also had a good chunk of fat too.

How big was a Spartan soldier?

Meaning they grew up to the regular height of their genetics from 175–190 or 5′7 – 6′2, not much shorter or taller. That is unlike how 98% of the world at the time was. They were also quite toned but by no means bulky, think military muscular which is mostly lean but very fit.

How tall was the average Roman soldier?

around 170 cm

How much weight did Roman soldiers carry?

It has been estimated that a legionary could carry anywhere from 66 lbs. (30 kgs) to over 100 lbs. (45 kgs) of gear and weapons, with Roman armor and shields being particularly heavy.

How tall was Alexander the Great?

about 5 feet

How tough was a Roman soldier?

Strong enough to carry his gear and use the tools of his trade and that’s all that counts. The Roman legion functioned as a unit and that was their strength. Doing so, they faced down tens of thousands of barbarians and less disciplined but nonetheless civilized soldiers.

Did Alexander the Great lose a battle?

In 15 years of conquest Alexander never lost a battle. After securing his kingdom in Greece, in 334 B.C. Alexander crossed into Asia (present-day Turkey) where he won a series of battles with the Persians under Darius III.

Did Alexander lost to porus?

The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought in 326 BC by Alexander the Great against King Porus, on the banks of the river Hydaspes. The battle resulted in a Greek victory.

Who defeated Alexander the Great?

Hydaspes marked the limit of Alexander’s career of conquest; he died before he could launch another campaign. Victory of Alexander the Great over the Indian prince Porus at the Battle of the Hydaspes, 326 bce; from The Battle Between Alexander and Porus, oil on canvas by Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem.

Who is first king of India?

Chandragupta Maurya

At what age Alexander died?

32 years (356 BC–323 BC)

Did Alexander came to India?

In 326 BC, Alexander invaded India, after crossing the river Indus he advanced towards Taxila. He then challenged king Porus , ruler of the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab. Alexander and his army reached the mouth of the Indus in July 325 BC, and turned westward for home.

Who attacked India first?

The first clash between a ruler of an Indian kingdom and the Arabs took place in 643 AD, when Arab forces defeated Rutbil, King of Zabulistan in Sistan. Arabs led by Suhail b. Abdi and Hakam al Taghilbi defeated an Indian army in the Battle of Rasil in 644 AD at the Indian Ocean sea coast, then reached the Indus River.

Why did Alexander fail in India?

His soldiers had been demoralized after the heavy casualties at the Battle of Hydaspes. Stiff resistance by the Indian tribes decreased their morale even more. Thus, when the soldiers heard of Alexander’s plan, they refused to march further. The king had no choice but allowed them to march back home.

Did Alexander lost in India?

Alexander was the only major military commander who never lost a battle. Alexander was the only major military commander who never lost a battle. He did retreat before the Indian heartland, but at his troops’ insistence.

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