
Do both the leading and lagging strands of the DNA get replicated at the same time how?

Do both the leading and lagging strands of the DNA get replicated at the same time how?

Or do the leading and lagging strand get replicated at the same time? As we will see, the nature of the replication machinery requires the synthesis of both strands take place in the region of the replication fork. Therefore, synthesis moving away from the growing fork cannot go on for long.

Why does DNA have a leading and lagging strand?

This strand is made continuously, because the DNA polymerase is moving in the same direction as the replication fork. The leading strand can be extended from one primer alone, whereas the lagging strand needs a new primer for each of the short Okazaki fragments.

Which enzyme synthesizes the DNA of both the leading and lagging strand?

The holoenzyme synthesizes the leading and lagging strands simultaneously at the replication fork (Figure 27.32). DNA polymerase III begins the synthesis of the leading strand by using the RNA primer formed by primase.

Which DNA polymerase builds on the leading strand and which on the lagging strand?

Luckily, in building the lagging strand, the DNA polymerase III builds the leading strand in the direction of the replication fork (5’→ 3′) The RNA primer is eventually replaced by DNA by another enzyme “DNA polymerase I”.

What is lagging strand?

The lagging strand is the DNA strand replicated in the 3′ to 5′ direction during DNA replication from a template strand. It is synthesized in fragments. The lagging strand causes the formation of the “trombone model” as the lagging strand is looped during replication. …

Which of the following is required to replicate the lagging strand of DNA?

Which of the following is required to replicate the lagging strand of DNA? Okazaki fragments, primase and DNA ligase.

What is another name for lagging strands?

There are two strands that are created when DNA is synthesized. The leading strand is continuously synthesized and is elongated during this process to expose the template that is used for the lagging strand (Okazaki fragments).

What is called a leading strand quizlet?

Terms in this set (9) Leading Strand. strand of DNA which is being synthesized in the same direction as the growing replication fork. Lagging Strand. strand of nascent DNA whose direction of synthesis is opposite to the direction of the growing replication fork.

Why are Okazaki fragments formed?

Okazaki fragments are formed on the lagging strand for the synthesis of DNA in 5′ to 3′ direction towards the replication fork. Only one of the two strands of DNA would be replicated in an entity if not for these fragments.

What does it mean to say that extension by DNA polymerase III proceeds 5 to 3?

DNA polymerase attaches to 3′ end of an Okazaki fragment. As it moves in 5′ to 3′ direction, it removes the RNA primer ahead of it and replaces the ribonucleotides with deoxyribonucleotides.

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